7 Historical Places In Kolkata To Get A Glimpse of Culture And Heritage

Kolkata is among the best places to visit and learn about the history and heritage of India. Read on to know about the historical places in Kolkata.

Published On Feb 18, 2022 | Updated On Jul 09, 2024


Kolkata is well-known for its cultural diversity. Kolkata has numerous tourist attractions, especially if you want to take a historical tour of the city. This city has many historical sites that are of great importance. Here are just a few of the many wonderful sites in Kolkata that are a must-visit.


Marble Palace, located around the city's northern outskirts, is one of Kolkata's most popular tourist attractions. Artistic statues, fine glassware, and paintings by prominent British Raj artists can all be found at the Palace. Many visitors are drawn to the marble wonder because of its royal architecture and distinctive style. Visitors can visit from 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

Town Hall is one of the oldest heritage buildings in Kolkata. This architectural marvel is the finest example of the city's colonial architecture. This structure is not only aesthetically pleasing but also has historical significance. During the British era, Town Hall was the site where some of the most important meetings and gatherings were held. These meetings are depicted on the walls of Town Hall for all visitors to see. The Doric style of architecture has undoubtedly left an impression on the minds of tourists.


Tagore's House is one of the most significant historical sites in Kolkata. Jorasanko Thakur Bari is also another name for the house. This place holds a special significance because it was the home of Rabindranath Tagore, India's most famous and celebrated writer. The house is now a museum with a photo gallery, fascinating paintings, and a collection of Tagore's literary works. Visitors can visit Tagore’s House from 10 AM to 5 PM.


St. Paul's church is another historical site in Kolkata that should not be missed. It is one of the most beautiful churches in West Bengal. This beauty, also known as the eastern world's First Eposcopal Church, stands around 247-feet tall. The structure was completed in 1847 and is regarded as one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture. The best time to visit this wonder is during the Christmas season, when the church is lit up and the festivities are in full swing.


Howrah Bridge is the first place that springs to mind while thinking of places to visit in Kolkata. Howrah Bridge is big and wonderful and provides ample opportunities for a historical walk in Kolkata. It also offers a beautiful scenic view of the Hooghly River. It is one of the nicest spots to visit in Kolkata in the evening, a place where you can hang out with friends and admire the sparkling bridge in the dark.


The Victoria Memorial, located in the heart of Kolkata, was created in Queen Victoria's honour to commemorate her 25 years of rule over India. It is stretched over 57 acres of land and includes 21 lush green gardens, 28,394 antiquities, and 3,900 magnificent artworks—making it one of the most popular historical destinations to visit in Kolkata. The elaborate memorial not only commemorates the British reign in India but also serves as a showcase for modern and excellent architecture.

Mother Teresa founded the Mother House in 1950 as a centre for religious gatherings. The Mother House is also known as The Missionaries of Charity. The place is packed with nuns who labour tirelessly to provide free food, clothing, and a place to rest to the poor, drug addicts, and physically and mentally challenged people. These nuns also manage schools for youngsters who live on the streets. A person taking a historical stroll in Kolkata will not only be able to see how cultures collide in this holy city but will also be able to see Mother Teresa's tomb, as well as an exhibition of her things and life's work.

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