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How to Cleverly Use Your Bedroom Corner & Elevate Every Crevice

Transform your bedroom corner from a neglected nook to a clever oasis with these ingenious ideas.

Isha Gokhale

The bedroom is an essential part of the house. It’s not merely a nesting place, but a place where you feel secure and absolutely at home, hidden away from the rest of the world. In this world of slumber and comfort, a bare bedroom corner can be a sad place, whispering emptiness and demanding utility. If you want to make your bedroom an even cozier place, here are some clever bedroom corner ideas for you to consider.

15 design ideas for the corners of your bedroom


A luxurious but small L-shaped settee is one very cute bedroom corner idea. Imagine, you can enjoy your morning cuppa in leisure without having to worry about spilling it on your sheets, or finish that book you have been reading without falling asleep! 


Corner tables adorned with ornate decor, like fresh-cut flowers and exquisite sculptures, can transform your bedroom corners into stylish vignettes. What's more, these pieces of furniture can also be useful as bedside tables. Marble, glass, or wood, these tables can be a versatile choice for a more refined look.


If you have a window in your bedroom, then try this ingenious bedroom corner idea. Put in wall-length curtains to give the space a complete makeover. Elegant floor-to-ceiling curtains will help create an ethereal canopy that is perfect for relaxing or taking pictures in. Choose lush, rich fabrics, and your bedroom corners will be a theatrical display of cozy opulence.


Strategically place a full-length mirror in a corner to give the illusion of a larger room. You can use the mirror to check your #ootd before you head out or to comb your head while still in bed! Therefore, this bedroom corner idea is not only functional, but it also contributes to a grander, more spacious feel.


An abundance of lush, potted plants can add a touch of nature to your bedroom's corners. This vibrant greenery will also exude elegance and simultaneously promote tranquility and well-being. So go ahead and spruce up your bedroom corners with a  little spruce!


For a more sophisticated bedroom corner idea, select a refined floor lamp with a captivating design to light up your room. The interplay of light and shadow will create a warm, inviting ambiance that's quintessential for relaxation. Remember, when it comes to bedroom corner lamps, the taller the better!


If you are an avid reader who likes to sleep before bedtime, then a well-crafted corner bookshelf is the perfect bedroom corner idea for displaying your curated selection of books, rare collectibles, and cherished artifacts. This will bring a touch of intellect to your bedroom and a comfy nighttime read will always be at an arm’s reach.

Pet Place

For the pet enthusiast, a great bedroom corner idea is to dedicate the space to your four-legged friends. Plush bedding, food bowls, and pet accessories will ensure that even your pets revel in opulence. If you have a feline friend, then try building a cat-tree or activity corner to keep them busy while you slumber.


Coats are notorious for always taking up too much closet space. A meticulously designed coat-hanger in the corner can keep your wardrobe impeccably organised, allowing for easy access to your exquisite clothing.


For those with a penchant for art, a corner gallery is a very elegant bedroom corner idea. Here, you can display your treasured artworks in a manner that transcends conventional arrangements. Using recessed lighting will enhance the visual drama and wow your guests into admiring your curated art and memories collection.

Floating shelves

Floating shelves, when impeccably designed and adorned with tasteful decor, offer a minimalist approach to the bedroom corner idea. Here, you can display your priceless possessions with restraint and sophistication. Otherwise, you can also store any misfit knick-knacks that you would like to showcase. 


If you are an alcoholic or someone who likes to keep your life well-tracked, then put a pinboard in your bedroom corner. You can stick to-do notes, your accomplishments, or any other memorabilia on this useful tool.

Laundry basket

Conceal your laundry basket in the bedroom corner using an elegant, lined wicker basket with a lid. This clever bedroom corner idea will help you maintain a clean, uncluttered room while putting to use every neglected nook and cranny and making your laundry-day that much easier.


For those with a more creative streak, consider elevating your bedroom corner with an out-of-the box wallpaper that ties the whole room together. Wallpapers offer endless possibilities for adding depth, texture, and unique patterns to your bedroom corners, turning them into captivating focal points. 


For those who enjoy indulgence, a concealed minifridge can be the jewel in your bedroom's crown. Stock it with your favorite champagne, fine wines, or gourmet snacks for having a little treat before bedtime. 

Decor-up your bedroom corner

Apart from the bed, a lot goes in the bedroom, including a wardrobe, a breakfast table, a chair, and possibly a workstation. But bedrooms are not always big enough to accommodate all your bedside needs. This is where you get to display your creative prowess and use the bedroom nook to your advantage.

By thoughtfully transforming your bedroom corners into cozy yet functional spaces, you can maximize the full utility of your room, enhance its aesthetic appeal, and infuse it with your unique style. So, don't let space limitations hold you back; instead, let your creativity shine and use every cranny you can find!

Photo: Shutterstock