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Mutta Mala Recipe By Chef Akanksha Khatri

Mutta Mala Recipe

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Akanksha Khatri

Mutta Mala is a Malabar dessert that is made during the wedding festivities. Chef Akanksha Khatri brings this tradition ... Read More

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Preparation Time

5-10 Min

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Cooking Time

10-15 Min

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Meal Type


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Ingredients For Mutta Mala Recipe

  • For Mutta Mala

    • 5 eggs

    • 1 cup sugar

    • 1 cup water

How to make Mutta Mala Recipe?

  1. Take 5 eggs and use two bowls to separate the egg whites and yolks.
  2. Set aside the egg whites and strain the yolks.
  3. Next, make sugar syrup by boiling sugar and water until it is at a one string consistency.
  4. Pour the egg yolks (using a bottle with a hole or a coconut shell ladle with a hole) in a circular manner into the hot syrup to make a netted necklace of yolks.
  5. When the Mutta Mala is ready, gently remove it from the syrup.

View Step by Step Recipe

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Take 5 eggs and use two bowls to separate the egg whites and yolks.

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Set aside the egg whites and strain the yolks.

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Next, make sugar syrup by boiling sugar and water until it is at a one string consistency.

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Pour the egg yolks (using a bottle with a hole or a coconut shell ladle with a hole) in a circular manner into the hot syrup to make a netted necklace of yolks.

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When the Mutta Mala is ready, gently remove it from the syrup.

Mutta in Malayalam means egg and mala means string, as the name suggests it a sweet that is in string shape and made from eggs. It’s a sweet that’s made during the wedding festivities of the Mappila community in North Kerala. This dish is simple as it requires minimum ingredients and time.

The soft and creamy Mutta Mala is so yummy that it is a must in weddings.