8 Delightfully Hot Dumpling Varieties To Try This Monsoon

Comfort food to elevate your rainy days, these steamed balls filled with a variety of flavours are the perfect treat .

Published On Aug 09, 2023 | Updated On Mar 08, 2024


Craving a mouthwatering delight? Look no further than dumplings! These delectable bites of love come in a variety of flavours and are enjoyed across cultures worldwide. As the monsoon season graces us with its presence, the allure of steaming hot dumplings becomes irresistible. Indulging in these piping-hot delights elevates the experience of savouring the cool showers of the monsoon. Whether you prefer a fiery kick or a milder taste, there's a dumpling to suit every palate, making it nearly impossible to resist their tempting allure. Get ready to embark on a flavoursome journey you won't soon forget!

Steaming hot dumplings from around the globe

1. Jhol momos


Savour the flavours of Nepal with the beloved jhol momos! These dumplings have gained widespread popularity, making appearances in restaurants and street stalls not only across Nepal but also around the globe. Steamed to perfection, these dumplings offer a variety of fillings, all served in a saucy, spicy broth locally known as jhol achar. If you're craving a fiery twist to your dumpling experience, jhol momos are the perfect choice.


Prepare your taste buds for a culinary journey to Shanghai, China, where the exquisite Xiao Long Bao dumplings originated. These little round treasures are meticulously steamed to perfection, offering an array of fillings to suit your desires. What sets these dumplings apart is the captivating addition of flavourful soup within the tender dumpling skin, harmoniously combined with a savoury solid filling. This unique combination makes each bite an adventure, leaving you craving more.


Widely regarded as one of the finest dumplings in the world, Gyoza is an absolute must-try dish. These delectable dumplings are expertly steamed and then pan-fried to achieve a delectable crispy exterior, setting them apart from the rest. The irresistible crunch adds an extra layer of texture to the already mouthwatering flavours, creating a delightful symphony for your taste buds.


Indulge in the exquisite flavours of wontons, a delectable creation hailing from China. These flavorful dumplings are widely celebrated, with the fried variation being particularly famous. For those seeking an alternative, there's also the comforting option of savouring wonton soup. Customizable to your liking, these dumplings can be filled with your favourite ingredients, offering a personalised experience as you relish the joys of the monsoon showers.


This traditional dish from Georgia is known for its incredible taste and rich flavours. Bursting with a mouthwatering meat-based filling infused with aromatic herbs, spices, and vegetables like onions, Khinkali offers a distinct hint of black pepper. These expertly crafted dumplings are steamed to perfection, ensuring the dough cooks just right on the outside while keeping flavorful filling juicy and succulent on the inside. Don't miss the opportunity to savour these delightful dumplings and experience their unique and unforgettable taste.


Discover the delightful world of Kreplach, a Jewish variation of soup dumplings that takes your taste buds on a flavorful journey. Traditionally served in a savoury broth that elevates the taste to new heights, Kreplach stands out from other dumplings due to its unique dough made from pasta dough, as opposed to the usual dumpling dough. This distinct dough imparts a special and unforgettable flavour to Kreplach, making it a culinary delight that simply cannot be overlooked.


The popular delicacy of momos originates from Tibet, Nepal, and the regions of Himachal Pradesh. These delectable dumplings have gained immense popularity and can now be found ubiquitously. As one of the most beloved street foods, momos come in various enticing varieties. Whether steamed, fried, or prepared in other creative ways, these dumplings are a true delight for the senses. Accompanied by a spicy and flavorful chilli dipping sauce, momos are sure to tantalise your taste buds and leave you craving for more.


Experience the delightful Korean rendition of dumplings with Mandu. While traditionally filled with pork, Mandu now offers a variety of delectable fillings such as chicken, vegetables, and more, allowing you to indulge in a diverse range of flavours. With numerous preparation methods, one thing remains certain: Mandu promises an incredibly flavorful experience. Get ready to savour these mouthwatering dumplings that showcase the rich culinary heritage of Korea.

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