It’s time for the Bengaluru chapter of Comic Con India – the one event cosplayers and comic book lovers look forward to the whole year. This is the 10th edition, which the organisers say is going to be as exciting and adventures as before, if not more. And then there’s always a dash of drama, Jatin Varma, the founder of Comic Con, says, “One of my earliest memories from Bengaluru was a Bane & Batman hugging it out at the show. Last year, we had a full blown marriage proposal during our cosplay parade between two cosplayers! So many epic moments over the past decade.”
From a small show in Koramangala, way back in 2012, Comic Con India has evolved and how. The event now encompasses almost all aspects of pop culture, starting from comics, to cosplay, movies, TV, streaming, gaming, merchandise and so much more,” Varma adds.

What's in store
Zee Zest caught up with the accomplished comic book artist and writer, known for his works on the Archies Comic, for a quick look into what he’s expecting. And this is not Parent’s first time in Bengaluru either. “I'm very much looking forward to being back in Bengaluru! My first time in India was there back in 2014, and I loved it. So I'm very happy to be back!” Talking about the way the world of comics has changed, Parent says that the one big difference over the last 10 years has been the decline of the monthly 32-page comic books. “Collections and trade paperbacks have definitely taken over,” he says. And at the same time he says Cosplay events have definitely made their mark. “I am in awe over the amount of detail that goes into some of these outfits. It's nice to see this creativity coming from the other side of the convention scene."
Parent is surely looking forward to meeting with his fans in Bengaluru and one topic might just be the upcoming Hindi film adaptation of the Archies. “I have seen the trailer and loved it, and also the song they released recently. I am excited about seeing it and of course to discuss it with fans!” he says.
A comic book writer’s life is not always fun and games, in fact it takes hours and hours of arduous work to get to the final result. Parent’s life is no different. He admits that he’s worked on pieces that have not turned out the way he would’ve liked, “but I usually rework them to a point where I liked it, or at least can live with it”. However, he says his favourite project so far has been Archie Meets Batman 66. And in case you’ve not read that, in this crossover graphic novel, a battle that starts in Gotham City spills over to Riverdale, which is when the teens of Riverdale have to make a call to the Batcave for help.

Follow the greats
On some of the top comic book artists, Parent lists out his favourites. “Easy. It’s Dan DeCarlo, because he created the Archie style and was the master Archie artist; Darwyn Cooke, his style brought a blast of fresh air to superhero comics; Warren Kremer - not well known, but set the style for the classic line of Harvey comics; Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, I think he’s the best superhero artist ever, and Jaime Hernandez who created the whole world of Love and Rockets, and is a master at black and white art.” Signing off with a few lines to inspire aspiring comic book artists, Parent says, “Commit to life drawing. Draw the human figure as much as you can. And draw a lot, and enjoy the process. Too many people want fame, but enjoy learning and expressing your creativity along the way.”
Bengaluru Comic Con will be held at KTPO Convention Centre, Whitefield, 11am onwards, November 17-19.