8 Best Sunrise View Points In India To Bookmark Now

Love chasing the sun? If you’ve had your fill of sunsets, these destinations offer the best views of the sunrise in India

Published On Nov 15, 2022 | Updated On Jul 10, 2024


With a new day comes the hope for a new beginning. Many say it's a miracle that after every dark night, comes a new day. Often, the coming of a new day signifies a fresh start and people tend to make new resolutions for their day ahead. Although sunsets are the latest Instagram trend, the sunrise is what is underrated. To wake up before the sun, when the whole world is quiet and still in a deep slumber, is a feeling of fulfilment. Out of the many gifts that nature has given to mankind, the dawn hour is the purest and most precious. 

Our country is known for its rich and diverse culture, delicious food and various languages. This vastly populated country also has all kinds of terrains ranging from mountains, valleys, oceans, forests and plateaus. Various places here have specialities of their own but the start and end of each day are special in most places. All these locations offer a differently beautiful view of the sun rising from the horizon. 

Nowadays we have lost ourselves so much in materialistic things that we tend to forget the scenic beauty that is present all around us. If we go back to reminiscing about our childhood, there was a staple art piece that we used to draw, that of a sun rising amidst two hills, a river flowing from the middle and a small hut. This sunrise image is etched in our minds till now.

To relive these sunrise memories, we have listed the places that offer the best view of the sunrise in India


Amidst the mountains of North Bengal’s Darjeeling, Tiger Hill is one place where you must not miss the sunrise. It is known for its views during the dawn hours when the peaks are covered in clouds and the first rays of light pierce through. You will have to buy a ticket to get through to the observatory tower from where you will be able to see the best views of the sunrise. If you want to see it free of cost, you can see it around the viewing area of the observatory tower. You can see the unrealistic views of Mt. Kanchenjunga when the sunshine falls on the white peaks and makes it look like a mountain of gold. If you are an enthusiast, you can see Mt. Everest from here as well. The peaks first turn a reddish pink and in a few minutes, it turns golden yellow making it a sight to experience once in a lifetime. These stellar views make Tiger Hill one of the famous sunrise view points. Sipping Makaibari Darjeeling tea while enjoying the views is the perfect combination.


Located on the eastern coast of India, the beaches of Puri are known for their spectacular views. The beaches are washed down by the rough waves of the Bay of Bengal while the sky radiates different colours at various times of the day. The beach usually attracts many tourists during the day as they flock to picnic and chill on the beach. But the beach is quiet during the sunrise hours. You are sure to find solace and rejuvenation with the start of a new day here. It’s no less than a magical view to see the sun rising on the horizon, looking like it is coming out of the ocean. The first ray of sunshine spreads across the sky and the water in the ocean. This is one view that you will never be able to forget and need to see once in life.


You will have missed a major milestone in life if you don’t see the sunrise from the momentous Taj Mahal. The sunrise hour is proof of the beauty that this world wonder holds. With the rising of the sun on a new day, as the first rays touch the monument, the white marble turns pink and looks breathtaking, while the air is misty. You could sit here for the entire span of the sunrise while the pink shades turn to golden. We recommend you to visit the monument during the winter months when it's cooler. The sunrise hour is even better if you are visiting the monument for the first time as the crowd is lesser in the morning. With its stellar sunrise views, the Taj Mahal is easily one of the places where you can see the best sunrise in India.


This serene beach is located in the foothills of the lush green Western Ghats and is one of the rare beaches in Goa from where you can enjoy a beautiful sunrise. Since Goa lies on the west coast, not all beaches treat you to sunrise views. But Hollant beach will quench your wish to watch a beautiful sunrise in Goa. It is in South Goa and often called by the name of the nearby village Issorsim. The waves here are not that rough so you can take a relaxing swim on the beach during the sunrise. As the tides rise, the sight of the beach is one to behold as the water from the beach meets the freshwater stream nearby. You can take a stroll while watching your feet imprint the soft sand underneath and the sun’s rays spreading across the sky. If you are looking for a sunrise point in Goa, Hollant beach is your destination.


Also known as the oldest city in India, it is believed that people have inhabited this city since the 11th century BC. It is located in the northern part of Uttar Pradesh and is a destination for Hindu devotees. It is one of the Sapta Puri, the seven holiest cities in India and also known as the spiritual capital of India. It is home to more than 2,000 temples. Many ghats enclose the holy river Ganga and in most you will see a line of priests chanting prayers. The aarti takes place twice in the day but you should see it during the sunrise hour to make the most of it. The first rays of the sun coupled with the first collective chants of the priests will surely give you goosebumps even if you are not a religious person. Visit the famous Assi ghat for the morning aarti and treat yourself to this visual beauty when in Banaras.

Located in the lap of the Meghalaya hills is the Umiam Lake. The natural setting during the sunrise and sunset hours is breathtaking. The lake has various water sports like water cycling, kayaking, boating and scooting but the sunrise here is a view that you must not miss. The sun coming out from the horizon and spreading orange hues in the sky and the reflections in the lake water is a sight that you must experience once in your life. We recommend you to visit Shillong, which is only 15 km away, and then go to the lake during the dawn hour while sipping a cup of hot tea or coffee. After that you can have your breakfast there and enjoy some of the water activities to make a day of it.


Located around 60 km outside of Bengaluru, this hill fort was gradually discovered by people and has turned into a popular tourist destination. Nandi Hills or Nandidurg is situated at a height of about 4,850 feet above sea level and has beautifully carved shrines and monuments scattered all around. The place gets its name from the bull named Nandi whose statue is built in front of the Yoga Nandeeshwara Temple as a guard. The Tipu Sultan Fort which was a summer retreat for the ruler is now popular for its panoramic views of the hills. The best time to visit Nandi Hills is the early morning, before sunrise. The place is famous for its beautiful sunrise views which feature the hills amidst a blanket of clouds and mist as the sun’s rays seep through. You can sit here, have a strong cup of filter coffee and a nice plate of breakfast while enjoying the best sunrise of your life.


Located in the Kutch district of Gujarat, the Rann of Kutch is a salt marsh in the Thar Desert. An area that is inhabited by Kutchi people, it is the biggest salt desert in the world. The Rann of Kutch hosts a three-month-long Rann Utsav or carnival that sees artisans from across the country. The festival attracts tourists from all over the world to see the artists perform and showcase their talents. The beauty of the desert at dawn is unlike any other nature’s wonders. The desert sand is white and it glows in different colours at different times of the day. During sunrise, the sun’s rays peak through the sky and make the desert sand look pink. It looks golden once the day breaks, milky white when the sun is directly on top and shades of orange and blue when the sun is setting. If you want to see one of the best sunrise in India, the Rann of Kutch should definitely be on your bucket list.

To marvel at nature’s gifts and beauty, you will have to do some hard work but to see one of the most priceless phenomena, the sunrise, you don’t have to do much. You just have to wake up before the sun and wait for it to put on a great show in the sky along with other elements of nature. What could be better than to see nature's beauty from the best sunrise view point? That is why we have created this detailed list for you to make an elaborate travel plan and include all these places to visit on it.

Disclaimer: The details mentioned throughout this blog are sourced from publicly accessible platforms. At Zeezest, we intend to share factual and verified information. Should there be any inconsistencies or variances in the information provided, please understand that these are entirely unintentional and not meant to mislead. 

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