Make Life Easier: How To Use AI In Day To Day Life

Not just chatGPT, applications of AI are way more, and can make our lives smarter, easier, and better. Learn more about AI uses.

Published On Jul 29, 2024 | Updated On Jul 30, 2024


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’d know that AI has taken over the world. From the smallest of tasks like assisted search to managing mammoth tasks, applications of AI are plenty and are only set to grow further. And while there has been a lot of debate over the past few years about the AI uses and their impacts, there is no denying that a good understanding of how to use AI is a pretty crucial professional skill. If you too are wondering how to use AI, let’s start with what areas have applications of AI. 


From managing your data to making bookings on your behalf, virtual assistants can do it all.
These virtual assistants, like Amazon Alexa, Cortana, or ChatGPT, are applications of AI that make life easy and can be utilised in many spaces as they can be customised for different purposes. If you’re wondering how to use AI in day-to-day life, starting with virtual assistants is a great place to start.


Marketing is a pretty specialised, customer-centric field. It requires one to constantly monitor and update the campaigns and other media, keeping in mind the latest trends and consumer interests. Tailor-made marketing programs are one of the best applications of AI in this field, and with their efficient systems, they are game changers. Whether you’re using them to customise your content or to process the data quicker, as a marketer, it is great if you know how to use AI.


When it comes to cyber security, incorporating applications of AI only makes the system stronger. While it may take entry-level analysts a long time to go throw massive data sets and recognise a pattern, AI-based cyber security systems do it much quicker, and often more efficiently. While threat detection and prediction is one of the major applications of AI in cybersecurity, that is not what is limited to. There are also other AI uses like behaviour contextualization, automation and augmentation, and remediation strategy development.


Ever wondered how streaming giants like Netflix and Prime know exactly what to recommend right after your recent binge? One of the most common applications of AI is algorithm-based entertainment which is used by nearly everyone. The AI system analyzes the pattern of what you’ve watched so far and makes predictions about what similar shows or movies you’ll like.


Not only does AI help with predicting patterns in severe cases, but some of the most common AI uses happen to be in day-to-day medical data gathering and analysis. Diabetes patients, for example, can make use of AI-powered devices to keep track of their health, and eventually, the data collected can be analysed to predict patterns.


One of the more sophisticated applications of AI happens to be predicting natural disasters, and analysing data to make sure better recuperation methods have been incorporated. Google, for example, has been working to develop a flood forecasting and alerts system by using Google Search and Google Maps.


Folks at Tesla aren’t the only ones who know how to use AI. More and more automobile manufacturers are option for AI-powered systems to better assist drivers, and in the case of EVs, also monitor the performance of the batteries. Whether it is Audi or Porsche, the AI uses in their systems pave the way for features like assisted parking, predictive oil foaming, etc.


While the grids and systems for conservative forms of energy already exist, renewable energy and its management is a new emerging field that uses applications of AI, to not only have a better understanding of the generation as well as yield but also how to achieve optimum efficiency.


This is one of the applications of AI that has been around for a very long time, and if you work in corporate, we’re pretty sure you’d have dealt with it at least once. Human resources departments receive quite a massive number of applications at every job posting and it can be a cumbersome task to navigate through all of them. Efficient HR teams often know how to use AI to make this process easier with a basic level of sorting.


AI uses in navigation systems are another of the 10 uses of artificial intelligence that we deal with on a day-to-day level. Apart from navigation satellites that utilise AI algorithms for GPS, applications of AI in navigation systems also include fields like air traffic management and space exploration.

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