AI Innovations Roundup: Revolutionising the Olympics, Search Engines, Math Competitions, And More

Get ready for an AI extravaganza as we delve into the latest technological advancements shaking up various sectors.

Published On Jul 31, 2024 | Updated On Jul 31, 2024


From the Paris 2024 Olympics showcasing AI like never before to OpenAI's new SearchGPT taking on Google, and Google DeepMind’s AI acing the International Mathematical Olympiad, these developments are setting the stage for a new era. Plus, discover how AI tools are enhancing weather forecasting, breast cancer diagnosis, and much more. 

The Olympics get a fresh paint of AI © International Olympic Committee 

The Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games are getting a high-tech makeover, with AI transforming the athlete and spectator experience. Get ready for an Olympic event like no other, where AI is the real MVP. 

  • AthleteGPT: This AI chatbot is available 24/7 on the Athlete365 app, offering athletes round-the-clock support. 
  • 3DAT Technology: AI-powered 3D athlete tracking delivers detailed biomechanical insights to enhance performance. 
  • Talent Scouting: An IOC pilot programme in Senegal uses AI to scout new talent, making sure no star goes undiscovered. 
  • NBC's AI Enhancements: Personalised highlights and real-time stats powered by AI keep viewers glued to their screens. 

AI's debut at the Olympics marks a game-changing moment, showing that even the most traditional events can benefit from a tech boost. With AI in the mix, the future of sports looks brighter—and smarter—than ever. 

Let us SearchGPT it? © Open AI

Move over, Google—there’s a new search engine in town! OpenAI just unveiled SearchGPT, a revolutionary AI-powered search engine that’s ready to challenge the status quo and make searching online a whole lot smarter. 

  • Summarised Results: SearchGPT neatly organizes results into summaries with follow-up question links. 
  • Initial Rollout: Powered by GPT-4, it’s currently available to 10,000 lucky test users. 
  • Future Plans: Expect these features to be integrated into ChatGPT soon. 

OpenAI’s leap into the search engine arena could shake things up big time, giving Google a run for its money. This could change how we find information online and spark a new era of smarter, more intuitive searches. 

Beating Google at your Olympiad is a thing now © Google

Google DeepMind’s AI is proving it can do more than just play games—it’s a math whiz, too! This year, DeepMind’s AI systems scored a silver medal-equivalent at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), showing off some serious brainpower. 

  • Impressive Score: The AI solved 4 out of 6 IMO problems, scoring 28 out of 42 points. 
  • Speed and Accuracy: AlphaGeometry 2 solved a tough problem in just 19 seconds. 
  • Advanced Models: AlphaProof uses a fine-tuned Gemini model for complex problem-solving. 

AI’s math skills are leveling up, showing that these systems can tackle problems on par with the world’s best minds. This breakthrough could lead to smarter AI systems capable of advanced reasoning in various fields. 

Groq AI against the world © Groq

AI startup Groq is making waves with two new open-source AI models that outshine big names like GPT-4 Turbo. These models are setting new standards in function-calling benchmarks and proving that sometimes, smaller players can pack a big punch. 

  • Top Performers: Llama 3 Groq Tool Use 8B and 70B models lead the pack in accuracy. 
  • Training and Availability: Trained on synthetic data, available via Groq API and Hugging Face. 

Groq’s speedy, specialised models open up exciting possibilities for new applications. With near real-time processing, the future of AI just got a whole lot faster and more versatile. 

Google’s reliable weather forecast, now helping us battle climate change? © Google 

Say goodbye to outdated weather forecasts! Google researchers have developed ‘NeuralGCM,’ an AI-powered model that’s setting a new standard for accuracy and efficiency in weather and climate predictions. 

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Outperforms machine learning-based models for 1-10 day forecasts. 
  • Efficiency: Up to 100,000 times more efficient than traditional models. 
  • Accessibility: Runs quickly on laptops, no supercomputers needed. 

NeuralGCM’s efficiency and accuracy could revolutionize climate modeling, helping us tackle climate change with better data and faster predictions. It’s a big leap forward for informed climate action.

Early detection powered by AI 

In a groundbreaking development, researchers from MIT and ETH Zurich have created an AI model that can pinpoint different stages of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) using tissue images, potentially transforming breast cancer diagnostics. 

  • Advanced Analysis: Identifies 8 distinct cell states across DCIS stages. 
  • Predictive Power: Considers cellular composition and spatial arrangement. 
  • Early Detection: Detects invasive cancer-associated cell states even in normal tissue. 

This AI model could democratize advanced breast cancer diagnostics, making it faster and cheaper to assess DCIS risk. With AI aiding pathologists, we’re one step closer to catching cancer early and saving more lives.

Photo: Google; Featured Brands