Winter Health Tips: How to Stay Healthy During the Cold Season

With the season changing, flu and health issues are on the rise. Here are some quick tips to stay healthy during the cold season.

Published On Oct 28, 2023 | Updated On Mar 06, 2024

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As the winter approaches, it brings with it so many things we love. Great food, soaking in the sun, seasonal delights, and so much more. In the midst of these, sneak in the pesky seasonal ailments, all prepared to spoil the fun.

May it be a common cold, or other cold-specific health issues, changing weather is a perfect breeding ground. To avoid it all, incorporate these quick winter health tips and stay healthy throughout the season.

Here are 7 winter health tips to follow


Often overlooked, hydration is one of the most important and easiest ways to stay healthy. When dehydrated, it becomes harder for the body to function properly as there is less fluid than what it would need.

A lot of people are unaware of what winter hydration is, and fall prey to it. It can lead to a suppressed immune response, leading to ailments.


Dry fruits and nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews increase your body temperature, and the nutrients found in them, like Omega 3, also help in the better functioning of the body. The good fats one gets from nuts are great at helping with joint pain too, so make sure you add them to your winter diet. If not directly, then with jaggery in a sweet form.


A lot of seasonal fruits in winter are exceptionally rich in vitamin C, which is known to increase immunity and keep safe from diseases. Make sure you incorporate a healthy amount of fresh fruits into your winter diet.


With winter comes lethargy, and all we want to do is stay in. What we should be doing is completely opposite. Regular exercise keeps us healthy, reduces stress levels and fends off seasonal illnesses. While outdoor exercises might not always be possible, opt for indoor workouts and yoga to stay fit.


Winter brings with it a lot of root vegetables, like radishes and sweet potatoes. These root vegetables are rich in complex carbohydrates that keep us full for longer and provide necessary nutrients.


Skin is an organ often overlooked, especially in winter, which makes it flakey and cracked. These cracks might look harmless, but they can lead to severe skin infections. Make sure your skin is moisturised, and no matter how lazy you feel, slather on that sunscreen too.


While this sounds obvious, it still needs to be said. Not just sweaters and coats, make sure you are covered in warm clothing from head to toe, quite literally. Our heads or toes when exposed to cold can cause as much harm as much as not wearing adequate clothing. Wear appropriate shoes to stay warm.

Photo: Shutterstock