No matter what ails your muscles and joints, whether it's achy hamstrings following a run or a stiff lower back from a day spent sitting at a computer, all it takes is a mat and around 20 minutes of your time. A variety of static and dynamic stretches are practised in yoga. The key to yoga stretches for flexibility, which is retaining a single posture for an extended period of time, is to allow your muscles to relax by sending a signal to your brain. To get the most out of each stance, you should remain in them for at least 30 seconds (but no more than a minute) because it takes that long for them to get the memo. If you're having trouble going deep into a certain posture, adding movement to make the pose more dynamic will help you extend your range of motion.
1. Urdhva Mukha Pasasana

One of the most loved yoga stretches for flexibility, threading the needle can be a great yoga pose to do at home and office!
- Stand up straight.
- As you turn your body to the right side, raise your right arm towards the ceiling.
- Turn the body in the opposite direction and keep rotating your right arm and shoulders through the middle and left until you reach a resting position on the floor behind your left palm (hips should remain high) and put your right ear on the mat.
- Proceed to the other side and repeat.
- Inhale deeply as you lift your arm towards the heavens, then release it as you lower your shoulder back to the floor.
Adjustment: A yoga block can alleviate any knee pain or strain you may be experiencing. To achieve a more balanced position, try placing a yoga block in the space between your thighs. If you need more support, you may also put a block under your shoulder.
2. Side Stretch
You may extend your hips, legs, and spine in this forward bend. Posture, balance, and digestion are some of the many benefits of this yoga exercise for flexibility.
- Step one in striking this position is to stand tall with your left foot pointed ahead and your right foot back, toes turned out at an angle.
- Stand with your back straight and your hips squared.
- Put your palms facing down on your hips.
- Fold your body forward and tuck your chin into your chest by bending at the hips.
- Put your hands on a block or bring them to the floor.
- Assume this position for thirty seconds to one minute.
- Change your foot placement and repeat on the other side.
3. Janu Sirsasana

Flexibility in the back, hips, and thighs can be enhanced with this posture, which is a great pose for yoga for flexibility and mobility and is appropriate for practitioners of all levels. In addition to relieving tension, it improves circulation in the lower abdomen.
- Get into the position by sitting on the floor or on a yoga mat.
- Put your left foot on the inside of your thigh while you extend your right leg.
- As you exhale, bring your arms up to your sides.
- Fold forward towards your extended leg as you exhale and bend at the hips.
- Get down on all fours or grab onto an extended leg or foot.
- Keep for one to two minutes.
- Do the other side with the other set of legs.
4. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Benefits the following areas: the back, the legs, the shoulders, and the feet (say goodbye to, plantar fasciitis!).
- Stand up straight.
- Bend at the waist and lift your hips into the air to create an inverted "V" shape; then, straighten your legs and put your weight back on your feet.
- Inhale to get yourself into this posture, and as you maintain it, breathe smoothly in and out.
5. Chakravakasana

This posture is great for increasing flexibility and range of motion in your back, shoulders, neck, and core because of how fluid it is.
- Begin on all fours with your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips to get the desired position.
- Breathe deeply as you let your belly drop towards the floor, making sure your weight is evenly distributed. Keeping your belly button down, lift your chin and chest.
- While bringing your chin to your chest and rounding your spine towards the ceiling, exhale and push into your hands.
- Hold this position for one minute.
6. Bhujangasana

Relieves strain on the lower back, hip flexors, shoulders, and chest.
- To begin, lie on your stomach with your legs straight behind you, your arms bent and palms facing down on the floor near your ribs. Raise your head a few inches off the mat and keep your eyes just in front of your nose to maintain a neutral spine.
- When your lower back starts to ache, stop pushing through your palms and elevate your upper body higher.
- Your heart should be lifted off the mat as you inhale into the stretch; maintain this breathing pattern throughout the pose; and exhale as you lower yourself back down.
7. Utkatasana

Advantageous for: Lower body, upper body, and glutes.
- Get to your feet and stand with your arms at your sides.
- Get into a squat position by bringing your butt back and down. Then, lift your arms above, bringing your biceps close to your ears.
- Instructions for breathing: Sit up straight, lift your arms, and breathe in while you hold.
8. Dhanurasana

Many of the muscles utilised when sitting can be stretched in this intermediate-level position. Your abdominal, back, chest, gluteal, and leg muscles, among others, can become more pliable with its guidance. If your shoulders, back, or neck hurt, you should probably skip this position.
- Lie on your stomach and bring your arms to your sides to achieve this position.
- Grab the outer part of your ankles with your hands as you bend your knees.
- If you are able to do so, raise your chest and shoulders off the floor; nevertheless, do not strain yourself more than is comfortable.
- While you take deep breaths, keep your gaze ahead.
- Give it 30 seconds if you can, and then let go.
- Repetition 1–2 times.
9. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Beneficial for: the upper body, lower body, back, and ankles
- Prop your body into a neutral spine position by laying on your stomach, legs straight behind you, arms bent and palms down on the floor by your ribs, shoulders, and head. Keep your eyes just forward of your nose to maintain this position.
- Raise the body so the arms are straight, gaze forward with a straight face, lower the shoulders so they are away from the ears, and elevate the thighs and shins off the mat.
Breathing: Take a deep breath in to get yourself into this posture, and maintain a normal breathing pattern while holding it.
10. Utthita Parsvakonasana

Try this pose if you are looking to try yoga for strength and flexibility and your ankles, hips, back, shoulders, and legs can all benefit from this exercise!
- To begin, stand with your right leg extended, your knee bent at a 90-degree angle, and your heel crossing the inside arch of your left foot.
- This is the Warrior II posture.
- Bring your right hand down so its fingers touch the floor inside your right foot, tilt your body forward over your right leg, and bring your left arm forward so its biceps are by your ear.
- Turn the corner and repeat the process again.
Breathing: Take a deep breath out to get yourself into this posture. As you hold it, breathe smoothly in and out.
One possible adaptation is to rest your front forearm on top of your front bent leg or to put your hand on a block beside your front foot, in case you have trouble balancing or can't rest your hand on the floor.