A winter delight, figs are not only delicious but also very rich in nutrients. This fruit which is part of the Mulberry family, comes with sweet pulp, and crunchy seeds, both of which make it a very interesting combination that has long been used in desserts. Known locally as anjeer, it is consumed both fresh in the winter season, and as a dry fruit all year. Originally from the Mediterranean area, this fruit is now famous all over the world, and if you want to know more about the advantages of figs, read on.
Here are a few health benefits of anjeer or fig that you should know about
1. Fertility

One of the biggest and often most overlooked advantage of anjeer is that it helps with fertility. Long been considered a fruit for passion, fig is actually quite a rich source of iron. Iron is an important element in both male and female fertility, as it helps with sperm count in men, and regulates ovulation in women, making fertility one of the biggest advantages of figs.
2. Digestion

Due to its rich fibre content, figs are especially great at relieving constipation. It is due to these health benefits of anjeer, that they have long been the home remedy for constipation in many cultures. Apart from bowel movement, another of the advantages of figs for digestion is that they are great sources of pre-biotics, which means they aid in the process of bacterial breakdown in the gut, leading to better gut health.
3. Bone density

Apart from flavonoids, iron, and other nutrients, figs are also a great source of calcium and potassium, making them a better bone density another of the advantages of figs. While calcium is one of the building blocks when it comes to bones, potassium-rich diet is known to reduce the stress on bones, making them less prone to osteoporosis, and reducing bone turnover. This advantage of anjeer itself makes it a must-have in the winters, and all year round as a dry fruit.
4. Reduce high blood pressure

High blood pressure is often attributed to their being a sodium-potassium imbalance. Sodium being in excess leads to high blood pressure which can further lead to so many more complications. Since they are rich in potassium, one of the health benefits of anjeer is that they correct this imbalance, reducing high blood pressure and the issues that come with it.
5. Help in weight loss

While both dry and fresh figs are full of nutrients, this falls more under the advantages of dried figs. While fresh figs have a rich fibrous pulp, making them great for salads, and post-workout snacks, dried figs make for amazing munchies between the meals. These nutritious mid-meal snacks not only give you great benefits but also keep you full for longer, curbing the urge for unhealthy snacks.
6. Improved heart health

Apart from the aforementioned weight loss and high blood pressure advantages of figs, improved heart health is another one. As snacks, one of the advantages of dried figs is being a healthier alternative to junk food, and then, as fresh fruit, you can enjoy the great value of potassium. Apart from these, figs also contain a great amount of antioxidants, making improved heart health another advantage of anjeer. These antioxidants also offer benefits of fig for skin and make you not only be fitter but also look the part
How to eat figs

Figs were in the past used as alternatives for sugar as sweetening agents. If you like this property, you can use them in desserts like fig cakes, and pies. Ingredients like cinnamon and lemon zest go very well with the flavour profiles of the figs and also add to the nutritional content. If you’re the health-conscious kind, you can add figs to your salads for a fun element, and reap all the advantages of figs that they can offer. When eaten as dry fruits, they make for great snacks, and we have already listed the advantages of dried figs but make sure you eat them in moderation because they are slightly higher in sugar content than fresh figs.