Back pains can really get to you. A constant obstruction to your daily productivity and wellbeing, back pain can occur for a number of reasons. Whether you are slouching at work all day while being on your desk, carrying heavy weights or simply have a bad posture, back pain can at times prove to be a real buzz kill. Since medications are not always effective and beneficial in the long run, to naturally improve your condition yoga is considered as among the best ways to deal with back pain. Yoga exercises for back pain not only helps improve your overall back health, but also helps towards strengthening your muscles, improves posture and flexibility as well as helps you build a more resilient core strength. There are certain specific yoga positions for back pain especially that focuses on your spinal elongation and back muscle engagement while also building up your core activation. A great and a truly effective way to maintain a straight and healthy posture as well as get rid of that stubborn back pain, here are some of the best yoga for back pain that are also beginner friendly.
Causes for back pain
Back pain can occur for a number of factors at play. Here are some of the most common causes for back pain that can help you detect the underlying reason as to why you might experiencing a backache
Not exercising enough

In today’s day and age and with little time to spare, following a specific routine to include working out can be quite the hassle. The difficulty to follow a proper schedule and the lack of exercise often results in acute back pain. Physical exercises form an essential factor for maintaining overall physical health and wellbeing, as well as a healthy back.
Lack of exercising leads to lower flexibility and weak muscles, which in turn results in back pain.

Injuries are often a major factor that leads to chronic back pain. A number of factors such as lifting heavy objects, over exertion and playing sports can lead to your back getting strained or injured.
Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are the most common factors that cause backache. Our bodies tend to go tense when we are under stress or feeling anxious, and as a result our muscles become tight which ultimately leads to back pain, along with a number of other conditions such as headache and damaged spines.
Poor posture

The most common of all factors that cause back pain, poor posture is something that most of us have struggled with. With work consuming a major chunk of our day, we are stuck at our desks daily and for long hours which is the main contributor to poor posture, resulting in chronic back pain.
Effective yoga asanas to relieve back pain
Check out these best yoga asanas that are effective to ease back pain and help straighten your back for you to achieve a much better back health

Bhujangasana, which is also known as the cobra pose is a yoga exercise for back pain that is also a beginner friendly asana that anybody will be able to do. A simple and extremely effective yoga position for back pain that helps soothe sciatica and also strengthens the spine, taking out time daily to consistently perform this yoga asana will make you achieve the best results when it comes to relieving back pain.

Shishuasana is also known as the child pose and this is the best yoga exercise for back pain that helps in regulating your blood circulation, reduces inflammation in the body as well as relaxes your strained muscles. An effective yoga for lower back pain as well, the stretching that is a part of performing this yoga position is what makes this asana especially an effective one.
Salamba bhujangasana

Salamba bhujangasana or the sphinx pose is a particular yoga exercise for back pain that does wonders to ease your discomfort. An extremely beneficial yoga asana that is also considered to be a great yoga for lower back, performing this exercise helps to stretch your chest, shoulders and abdomen. An effective way to relieve yourself from chronic backache as well as improve flexibility while also stretching your muscles, this yoga position for back pain is a beginner friendly one as well.

Marjaryasana is among the most simple yoga exercises for back pain. A gentle and easy position that takes no time at all, anybody can perform this asana. An effective yoga for lower back pain as well, Marjaryasana is also known as the cat-cow pose and helps to relax your strained muscles, while providing support to your torso, neck and shoulders.
Adho mukha svanasana

Another beginner friendly as well as effective yoga position for back pain, the adho mukha svanasana is also called the downward facing dog pose. A great exercise to ease backache, performing this yoga pose also helps to improve the blood circulation in your body, regulates muscle health as well as improves your core strength.
Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor or physiotherapist before you start with these asanas.