A beloved animal for many, cats have since long been cherished as symbols of luxury. With an allure that is unmatched, the exquisite nature that cats portray is truly undeniable. From ancient times till modern day, cats are considered as a symbolisation of sophistication and elegance. Having an independent personality as compared to other pets, there is a distant memory of cats being worshipped as Gods in ancient Egypt. Exhibiting a sassy and pompous air, there are certain cat breeds in the world that come with price tags which would make them exceed the limit of even your most extravagant purchases. With rare features and captivating colours, here are some of the most expensive cat breeds in the world for you to know about.
Cat lovers, check out these costliest cat breeds in the world
Russian Blue

A naturally occurring breed that is among the costliest cat breeds, the Russian Blue is strikingly stunning as well as an intelligent category in the world of cats. A breed of cat that is considered to have originated in the Archangel Isle in Northern Russia, the exact origin of this breed however remains unknown. Renowned for its silver-blue coat and brilliant green eyes, this particular cat has a typically reserved nature and is affectionate and loyal that make for great companions, and are a rather low maintenance breed with a calm nature.
Price range: $1,500-$3,000

A hybrid cat among the expensive breeds, the Savannah breed descends from the African Serval and a domestic cat. Known for their tall and long legged frame with a look that is rather wild, this breed of cat is known for their playful and affectionate nature. Featuring golden coats which are dotted with dark spots, this category of cats portray a wild African feline nature but are far more suited for a domestic lifestyle. An exotic breed whose price fluctuates depending on their generation, the first generation hybrids are known as F1 Savannahs and are among the most expensive cats from this breed.
Price range: $10,000-$20,000

A hybrid between the African Serval, the Asian Leopard Cat and a domestic cat, Ashera is an exotic cat breed that was specifically designed to offer an exotic feel and temperament to the domestic one. Among the most expensive house cats, Ashera cats are known for their stunning coats, which often makes them resemble a small leopard as they continue to grow. This expensive cat breed is mainly priced so high because of their rare availability, since this is an extremely exclusive variety of cats. A cat breed that is the ultimate symbol of status, this breed of cat is truly extraordinary.
Price range: $22,000-$1,25,000

Renowned for their striking rosettes and marbled coats, Bengals are the variety of cats that embody a wild beauty within the boundaries of home. A hybrid variety that originated from the cross between an Asian leopard cat and a domestic one, Bengals come in a number of colours and patterns, sharing an exotic appearance through and through. Featuring a sleek and muscular build, their prices vary depending on the purity of their lineage.
Price range: $1,000-$25,000

A cat from an expensive breed, Persian cats boast of a timeless elegance. A luxurious and expensive cat breed, Persian cats give out a rather regal and dignified charm that remains unmatched. A symbol of status and wealth for many, Persian cats are known for their flowy coats and large and expressive eyes.
A beloved choice among the elite section of cat lovers, this variety of cat has round faces and gives off an air of sophistication, while portraying an affectionate nature. Slightly high maintenance, this is among the most expensive house cats that require regular grooming to maintain their beauty. With their prices varying as per the colour, lineage and rarity of this breed, having a Persian cat as your pet requires a lot of commitment and dedication.
Price range: $5,000-$25,000
Khao Manee

A rare Thai breed, Khao Manee is a variety of cat that is renowned for their stunning white coats and unique diamond shaped eyes. Among the most expensive cats, this breed of cat exudes a mystique charm and boasts of an unmatched beauty. A symbol of good luck and prosperity in Thai culture, this is among the costliest cat breeds which is extremely rare outside of Thailand. A variety of cat that not only embodies elegance and sophistication, but it is one that is also a living history in today’s time.
Price range: $8000-$15000

A category of cat that truly stands out, Sphynx is known for its distinct appearance since it lacks a furry coat, and has wrinkled skin. Known for its unique appearance, this expensive cat breed portrays a playful and affectionate nature, and is an especially beloved variety of cat among cat lovers for its quirky characteristics. The price of Sphynx varies as per their lineage, colour and health factors and this cat breed is a rather high-maintenance one since the lack of fur makes them susceptible to sensitivities in skin due to weather and other environmental factors.
Price range: $1,500- $3,000