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Skincare Tips To Keep Your Skin Healthy And Glowing This Monsoon

Beat monsoon-related skincare woes that come with humidity. Follow these simple skincare steps to help your skin healthy.

Team ZZ

Skincare is non-negotiable for everyone, no matter their age, skin type or season. A well-suited and consistent skincare regime is one of the key factors behind that healthy skin and a pleasant glow. It is an extension of self-care and is essential for people to adopt as a daily practice. Not only does it keep your skin healthy and resplendent, but it also works to soothe your stress levels and thus help you relieve stress, keeping your tensions of the day at bay. While skincare works best if you are consistent with your regime, seasons like monsoon require extra love and attention. The humidity does not help your skin at all and makes it easier for pollution, sweat, and other sticky elements to cling to your skin even more. Therefore, one needs to take extra care of their skin. 

Read on to know more about some skincare tips for different skin types.

For oily skin

1. Regular exfoliation 

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People with oily skin anyway struggle with clogged pores, extra sebum on their face and whatnot. All these impurities combine to make their skin unfortunately suffer from acne breakouts, blackheads, whiteheads, etc. This increases even more during monsoon, all thanks to the high levels of humidity. Therefore, regular exfoliation is considered extremely important for people with oil skin. The exfoliation will help clean and unclog your pores thus also controlling the sebum production. This will help avoid the occurrence of acne, blackheads, etc.

2. Cleansing in the day and night

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Because the sticky air that is extremely common during monsoon months leads to even more piling of grime, pollution, sweat and other impurities on our faces, it is highly advisable for people with oily skin especially cleanse their face twice every day, with a gentle cleanser, to rid their skin of the impurities of the day effectively.

3. Include retinol in your skincare

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Retinol is a powerful tool to have in your skincare regime. This derivative of vitamin A helps to keep the pores on your face tight and even helps shrink enlarged pores, thus helping prevent clogged pores as well as cleaning the clogged ones. Retinol is also extremely helpful if you are suffering from an acne breakout as it also controls acne and skin inflammation.

For normal skin

1. Do not skip sunscreen

It does not matter whether the sun is full out and shining its rays on you or if the sky is cloudy and raining, you should not be skipping sunscreen if you are stepping out. Highly essential to keep the skin intact and undamaged, sunscreen plays a vital role in keeping problems like dark spots, early wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, etc. away from our skin. Therefore, be sure to add a not too oily or greasy sunscreen to your monsoon skincare, so that while staying protected from harmful UV rays, your skin also feels able to breathe.

2. Always follow cleansing by applying toner on the skin

While it is true that people with normal skin do not have to put too much effort into their skincare, the monsoon season will still affect your skin to some extent at least. Thus, you need to keep your skin clean and free from all impurities. Always remembering to follow up your cleansing with an added step of using a well-suited toner for your skin will help you keep your skin firm and healthy.

3. Hydrate your skin

The most important thing you have to remember is that no skincare product will be able to replenish your skin completely and effectively if you are not providing it with enough hydration, to begin with. Thus, keep your water intake levels well enough to help your skin feel and be well-hydrated and plump from the natural hydrating powers of water. You will notice your skin giving off a healthier glow when your hydration is as it should be.

For combination skin

1. Use a clay mask to keep your face clean from impurities

Combination skin is characterized by an oily T-zone with comparatively dryer cheeks, chin and forehead. This makes caring for such skin slightly more complex, especially during monsoon months. Clay masks are one of the best things to use to combat the extra oiliness on your face. They will help with sebum control, unclogging of pores and overall cleansing of the oil and other impurities that pile up on the face.

2. End your PM skincare regime with a night cream

A night cream is a wonderful reparative element that you must include in your skincare. While monsoon makes your skin go through more difficulties than usual, a night cream is perfect for you to help your skin cool down and also help in repairing your skin barrier while you sleep. Night creams are very helpful regenerative products, especially to help your skin face the onslaught of issues that come with the monsoon.

3. Incorporate vitamin C in your monsoon skincare regime

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which helps maintain the glow of healthy skin. Adding vitamin C in the monsoon edition of your skin care will help you keep your skin protected from any issues such as spots, blemishes or scars that might dampen that glow. It is also a nice product to help your skin feel refreshed and give it that clean feel.

Special tip for sensitive skin

People with sensitive skin should especially look after their skin during the monsoon season. It is advised to always shower as soon as possible if you get drenched in the rain, to avoid any flare-ups or allergies that might happen and damage your skin. People with sensitive skin should also always do a patch test of any product before using it on their faces. The best remedies during the volatile monsoon months for such skin are said to be home remedies with natural ingredients.

Photo: Shutterstock