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15 Things To Tick Off on The Day Before Your Wedding

Float down the aisle without a single worry in your mind.

Isha Gokhale

The day before the best day of your life can possibly feel like the worst day of your life. So many things are yet to be done, and you don't even know how many you have forgotten! Don’t worry, like good little samaritans, we have your back. We understand that pre-wedding duties can add up to a whole of things that you have to juggle while you wait to walk down the aisle. We are here to help you with a pre-wedding day checklist that you can tick off to make sure that your wedding goes butter-smooth!

1. Follow Up on Your Orders

From your cake to flowers and rings to drinks, there are a thousand things that you must have ordered for the D-day. The absence of a single one of these is sufficient to ruin your wedding experience. It is essential that you place a final call to your vendors on the day before your wedding to ensure that all your orders are on track.

2. Buy a First-Aid Kit

Weddings are a prime spot for unwarranted injuries, whether it is an uncle who danced too hard or a cousin that drank too much and fell on their face. On the day before your wedding , spare some time to arrange a first-aid kit to ensure that any last-minute medical emergencies are quickly addressed and proper care is provided to your guests. 

3. Arrange Transportation

Getting to the wedding venue is priority number one on the day. Make sure that you have a limousine or two waiting for you once you are dressed and ready to get hitched. Having a car to get home once the wedding ceremony is over and everything’s wrapped up will also be a big relief.

4. Organise a Clean-up Crew

Speaking of wrapping up, ensure that a clean-up crew is ready and armed to take care of the mess and clean up the place for the next event. It wouldn't look very graceful for the bride to be sweeping the petals away after her own ceremony!

5. Pack a Handy Bag

When it comes to the most important day of your life, you cannot gamble risking a wardrobe malfunction. Be it a small rip on your hem or separated foundation, pack a handy bag on the day before your wedding day. This bag will contain your trusted brushes, clips, and other tools that can help you navigate your wedding day seamlessly. 

6. Arrange an Assistant

Your assistant will essentially be your crisis manager, there to solve any issue you could face on your wedding day. Is someone’s baby throwing a fit or is a friend bringing an unexpected plus one at the last minute? Send in your assistant to the rescue and they will make your problems go away for you. 

7. Carry Cash

From tipping the stewards for their exceptional service to bribing your nephew to give you back your phone, cash can be a superhero on your wedding day. In this age of digital payment, don’t underestimate the value of paper money and the solutions it can offer in the face of a wedding conundrum. 

8. Eat and Drink Mindfully

Do you want your guests to wow at your wedding glow? If yes, then make sure that you eat the right things on the day before the wedding. Avoid spicy food to prevent unwanted pimples and steer clear of alcohol, lest you have a hangover on your wedding day.  Remember to drink plenty of water to perfect that dewy look and remind your fiance about why they are marrying you. 

9. Revise Your Vows

Image Credit: Unsplash

If you are a christian, then your wedding will probably involve vows, which are promises to make to your beloved spouse and to uphold throughout your marriage. You can always inculcate them in your saat-phere if you are having a Hindu marriage. Just ensure that your vows are heartfelt and well-practiced to avoid any awkward slip-ups.

10. Get a Pair of Flip Flops

You will find it surprising how much you have to stand and walk around on the day of your wedding. Taking pictures in hundreds of poses, going around greeting the guests, and even the actual ceremony will get your feet screaming for comfort. Skip the heels for before and after your wedding and waddle around in a pair of comfy flip flops to avoid foot sores. 

11. Try on Your Dress

Try on your wedding dress one last time in the day before the wedding to make sure that the fit is flawless. Trim away any fly aways or add a little shimmer wherever it's required to ensure that you shine on your wedding day. Practice walking in your heels and carrying all the accessories to exude effortless perfection as you float about your wedding venue.   

12. Prep Your Look

From practicing a thorough skincare routine to putting curlers in your hair before you go to sleep, ready yourself to look stunning on your wedding day. You can also get the quintessential mani-pedi or a soothing massage to enjoy a small respite in a day filled with meticulous planning and arrangement.

13. Charge Your Phone

Receiving calls from vendors, acknowledging congratulatory messages from friends and family, checking notifications about the weather, or googling the nearest pharmacy, your phone will be essential in making your wedding day that much more manageable. Make sure you charge it the night before. 

14. Have a Chat with Your Fiancé

Wedding guests will come and go but your loved one is there to stay. Have a small, relaxed chat with them to unwind after a long day of planning and to get their opinions on your decisions. Talking and laughing with them is sure to get your mind clear and ready to take on the day, come what may!

15. Go To Bed Early

While beauty sleep is important on most days, it is absolutely unskippable on the night before your wedding. So set your alarm, get curled up in your bed a little early, and let sleep take over you. Remember not to overthink or worry, tomorrow is going to be the best day of your life!

Perfecting the Day Before the Wedding

Forget about having a perfect wedding day, it is a made-up modern myth that can make you lose your mind. The wedding day is a complicated affair and a million things can go wrong, of which, at least two or three will. So, focus on perfecting the day before the wedding instead!

Complete the day before the wedding checklist given above and enjoy a sound sleep knowing that you did your best, rest is pure luck. Quite like in a marriage, problems will be there on the wedding day, but if you are equipped to manage them, then it is sure to be a successful event!

Photo: Shutterstock