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Home Remedies That Can Help You Get Rid of Dandruff

If dandruff is the bane of your life, then consider this guide to be your holy grail that can help you get rid of this problem once and for all.

Team ZZ

Dandruff is defined as a condition that causes cracking skin on your scalp. The skin usually often falls off and leaves white flakes on your shoulders. It is characterised by an itchy and flaky scalp that can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Dandruff also has other symptoms like greasy patches on your scalp and tingling skin.

Dandruff can be terribly vexing. It is usually caused by dry and irritated skin and the growth of bacterial elements on the scalp, inflicting itchiness and irritation. If dandruff is the bane of your life, then consider this guide to be your holy grail that can help you get rid of this problem once and for all.

What causes dandruff? 

The most common causes of dandruff include:

1. Dry skin

This is majorly an outcome of a dietary pattern that lacks healthy fats, essential vitamins, and minerals.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis (SD) is one of the common causes of dandruff. It is estimated that SD and dandruff exist in more than half of the adult population. Therefore, if you have a dandruff problem that doesn't get solved even after trying numerous home remedies, it is time to seek professional help because you could have seborrheic dermatitis. 

Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common dermatological problem affecting the body's seborrheic area. It also affects the scalp, face, and upper chest, causing flaking, scaling, and inflammation. Simply put, seborrheic dermatitis is excess sebum production due to an imbalance of hormones in the body. Excess sebum around hair follicles causes inflammation leading to hair fall or dandruff.

3. Hair products 

Parabens and sulphates are some of the chemicals that are included in hair products. Many research reports suggest that these chemicals can have adverse effects on the body. Besides permanently changing the structure of the hair, chemical-laden hair products can cause dry scalp, resulting in dandruff.  

4. Fungal infection

This is one of the major reasons for dandruff. Malasezzia is a common fungus that is present in small amounts on the skin. It grows many folds due to excess sebum production and thus damages the hair. 

While a tiny amount of flaking is normal, as dead skin cells flake tend to flake off your scalp, many people experience a curiously large amount of flaking. In severe conditions, dandruff can lead to excessive hair fall. But don’t worry, the good news is that dandruff can be treated naturally.

How to prevent dandruff 

Preventing dandruff and hair loss focuses on eliminating the maximum amount of itching possible. Itching leads to scratching which then causes hair fall, which is why it’s really important to defend your hair follicles against additional injury.

1. Use a medicated shampoo

Many medicated shampoos have ingredients like salicylic acid, ketoconazole, coal tar, or zinc that help eliminate the major effects caused by dandruff. Moreover, they are easily available over the counter and safe for all skin types.

2. Add moisture

No matter the underlying explanation for your dandruff, it’s necessary to hydrate your scalp with natural conditioners like banana and honey. This is particularly necessary if you use medicated shampoos, particularly those containing hydroxy acid.

3. Avoid hair products that can cause irritation

Hair colours and styling products can irritate your scalp. Although they help your hair look stylish, if they are not removed properly, they can build up over time and trap oil, dirt, and other harmful substances in the skin, irritating the scalp. Therefore, avoiding styling products that are hard to remove from hair is better. The reduced use of such products also helps in reducing dandruff. Moreover, these products can also result in dermatitis. Preservatives and fragrances are the most common causes of dermatitis on your scalp.

4. Manage stress

Experts believe stress management can help reduce dandruff's effects. Although an increase in dandruff and stress are not directly related, increasing stress and anxiety can aggravate dandruff. It can also increase oil formation, making you susceptible to yeast overgrowth and psoriasis, among others. Therefore, managing stress can help in reducing oil formation, etc.

5. Get an adequate amount of sun

Sunbathing or exposing the body to the sun's ultraviolet rays can be harmful to the skin. However, if done right, sun exposure is one of the best ways to repair damaged or flaky skin caused by dandruff. Although it directly doesn't contribute to reducing dandruff, it helps protect your skin from the damage caused by rigorous dandruff treatments. 

Having dandruff doesn’t right away result in hair loss. However, perpetually scratching your scalp will injure your hair follicles and result in you losing your precious strands. This may resolve once you discover out what’s inflicting your dandruff.

How to cure dandruff 

1. Apple cider vinegar (ACV)

Dandruff can disbalance the natural pH of the scalp, which can lead to fungi development and itchy and dry skin. An increase in fungi and dry skin can disrupt hair hygiene and growth. However, the proper quantity of apple cider vinegar can help rebalance the skin's pH balance, which stops the growth of fungi that causes dry or itchy skin. Dilute ACV with water and it is ready to use. Wash after 15 minutes.

2. Curd

Following home remedies for dandruff can be a tricky task to try and do, particularly curd which makes it terribly messy. But due to its antimicrobial properties, curd applied to your hair just for 15-20 minutes makes it terribly effective to treat dandruff. It’s worth a try!

3. Green tea

Green tea contains plenty of antifungal properties and it's an inhibitor that may restore the health of your scalp. All you wish to cure dandruff is by applying some cooled tea on your scalp for 15 minutes and you'll be able to witness the distinction.

4. Garlic

Garlic features a smart supply of antifungal properties that have the tendency to eliminate sure dangerous microbes that are chargeable for inflicting dandruff. Mix minced garlic with honey or apply garlic juice for 15-20 minutes.

5. Right selection of shampoo

Use the proper shampoo for your hair. Moreover, don't use this in excess as it can lead to a dry scalp.

6. Taking care of scalp

Always keep your scalp clean. This suggests that you just ought to have a head shower each three days once.

Following these remedies will help keep all dandruff problems at bay.

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