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Decoded: The Hype About Hybrid Beauty Products

Today, the market is flooded with hybrid products that simplify beauty to the core but are they here to stay?

Ria Bhatia

We have to concede — hybrid products are everywhere. It’s almost impossible to escape or ignore their omnipresence. From two-in-one rouges, popularly known as lip and cheek tints, to a pot makeup base that works equally well upon concealing dark circles and evening out the complexion — dual-action beauty products have captured the market, quite brilliantly. But who said the monarchy of hybrid beauty is limited to the said products?

There exists another enormous orbit of ‘makeup meets skincare’ products that combine the performance of makeup with the goodness of skincare. The demand and supply of such hybrid products have only augmented since the pandemic, a time when all of us went back to basics, parking minimalism to the pedestal. The question now is whether such (hybrid) products will continue to reign supremacy in the years to come. Our prognosis says — YES. Here’s why.

What is a hybrid beauty product?

“Hybrid cosmetics are one of the most promising evolutions in the personal care industry,” says Shubhika Jain, founder, RAS Luxury Oils. Sukriti Jindal Khaitan, co-founder, asa beauty, adds, “Hybrid products play the dual role of colour and skincare. It’s a product which, on the surface, does the job of makeup but on a deeper level, simultaneously, nourishes the skin and protects it from harmful toxins.”

Speaking of skincare hybrids, Prachi Mohunta, co-founder, AMINU, first defines her take on the concept, “Hybrid refers to a mixture of different approaches, categories or systems of skincare.” Taking a plunge into what skincare-only hybrids are, she says, “I would define hybrid products as those that combine different functions using multi-actives and technologies for targeting concerns in an all-round, high performing way with functional aromas for holistic healing and transformative and sustainable textures for many purposes.” She further adds, “It can also be a multi-tasking product, where people don’t have to follow extensive 10-step routines and overstimulate the skin.”

Talking about the core of this newly-found invention, Jain believes, “Bringing in the best of both worlds is a simple vision that comes along with it — usefulness and effectiveness of different active ingredients fused into a single product.”

Hybrid beauty is a tough nut to crack

“As our lifestyles become more and more multi-dimensional, people will have less time to devote to skincare, but not at the cost of efficacy,” states Mohunta. But creating a hybrid — every and any type — is far away from a cakewalk. Such products come with not just one or two, but a slew of claims and corresponding expectations. It must pass all the tests with equal marks.

“It requires a much deeper understanding of the skincare space and needs of the consumers, and is highly driven by insights. Mixing multiple ingredients or formulations to create stable effective products is the key here,” emphasises Jain. “Some challenges during creation include maintaining product efficacy. Not all ingredients used in skincare are conducive to makeup applications. For example, if one were to use a predominant coconut oil formulation mixed with pigment in isolation (coconut is an excellent skin moisturiser), the pigment would immediately melt off and easily be transferred leading to a very messy situation,” explains Jindal Khaitan.

The upsurge in the growth of a hybrid product

First things first — the pandemic has a huge role to play. That is what accelerated the growth of hybrids from steady to exponential. “Many people stopped using makeup during the pandemic as face-to-face interactions had reduced and people would spend more time at home. However, the skincare segment had really boomed as people became more conscious about their skin (and overall health),” Jindal Khaitan reports. “Additionally, the pandemic prompted a shift towards clean and conscious beauty which also is a big sector for hybrid products,” she adds.

Talking about how hybrids are trendy today, Jain says, “Skinimalism had topped all the trend charts during the pandemic. Everyone realised, after months of staying indoors, that slathering our skin with makeup is quite counterintuitive – especially in harmony with extensive skincare efforts.”

Plus, hybrid products come with a plethora of benefits for both — you and the environment. “Products that combine several effects in one product not only save time and money, they also go easy on resources. Instead of using five different products, only one is needed, which reduces packaging waste,” affirms Mohunta. In concurrence, Jindal Khaitan informs, “Hybrids are picking up traction, especially for folks who are leading a fast-paced life or are conscious about their carbon footprint. Minimalists are also constantly looking for that one do-it-all product.” She shares some interesting statistics to ratify the same, “Our Lip & Cheek Tint franchise contributes to more than 45% of our overall business mix.”

The future looks exceedingly bright

The kind of fanfare that hybrids have garnered in the past few years only goes to show that they’re very much here to stay — makeup and skincare included. After all, who doesn’t love a product that saves time, money, effort, resources and the environment? In fact, by the looks of it, hybrids definitely are the future.

“People value product efficacy above all,” believes Mohunta. “A versatile formula that promises to tackle fine lines, dehydration, uneven skin tone, rough texture and loss of skin elasticity and helps fast-track to healthy-looking skin, like our Night Repair Cream, is greatly valued. These masterful solutions combined with the many benefits and innovative technologies offered as multi-functional, high-performing products make it clear that hybrid beauty is not just a trend — it’s the skincare of the future.”

Highlighting the shift in consumer behaviour today, Jindal Khaitan affirms, “More and more consumers are shifting towards a conscious lifestyle, and hybrid and multi-purpose products help one align with their value system — be it sustainability or shift towards clean beauty.”

Photo: Shutterstock