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The Ultimate Guide To Asking The Right Questions To Your Girlfriend

Conversation is the key to better relationships. Understand your girlfriend better by asking her the right questions.

Team ZZ

The key to any happy and healthy relationship is communication. If you can’t have an interesting conversation with a person, eventually, the spark fades out. Hence, it's important to keep your romantic relationship with your girlfriend alive by engaging her in conversations where she feels heard, seen, and understood. You need to be a good listener who poses the right questions and is understanding and compassionate enough to deal with honest responses.

So, if you’re wondering how to keep things fun or see whether your future goals align, it might be wise to ask your girlfriend some relevant questions. Here is a list of questions to ask your girlfriend based on the mood and conversation objective.

Here are some of the right questions to ask your girlfriend

1. Getting-to-know questions

If you’re just starting, you guys are probably already in the process of getting to know each other better. You must ensure you pose the right questions to your girlfriend so she knows you’re truly interested in her life. Having these questions discussed early on ensures that you know a little more about each other than friends. You could also make this a fun game you play on text (when away). So here are some getting-to-know questions to ask a girlfriend over text.
1. Do you believe in soulmates?
2. What does your perfect day look like?
3. When do you feel the happiest?
4. How have your parents impacted your view on love and relationships?
5. What makes you feel the most fulfilled?
6. What does friendship mean to you?
7. What do you look for in a friend?
8. What gets you out of bed in the morning?
9. Are you competitive?
10. Would you ever give up career goals or dreams for love?
11. What do you do when you feel stressed?
12. What are your coping mechanisms?
13. How do your best friends make you feel?
14. What's the worst decision you've ever made?
15. Who's your favourite person in your life?
16. Would you tell me if I did or said something that offended you?
17. How do you handle anger?
18. What does self-care look like for you?
19. What's something you never realised about yourself until someone else told you?
20. How much personal space/time do you need for yourself?

2. Amusing questions 

A couple that laughs together stays together. If it's the witty side you wish to explore to win over your girlfriend, consider posing some funny questions that interest her enough to find you online. Funny questions to ask your gf to keep the conversation amusing include:
1. Do you snore when you sleep?
2. If you could swap lives with any TV or movie character, who would it be?
3. Have you ever used a pickup line? Was it successful?
4. What fictional city or town would you like to live in?
5. Could you set a world record? What would it be for?
6. Which celebrity would make you starstruck if you saw them in person?
7. What's the most bizarre conversation you've overheard?
8. Do you talk to yourself?
9. What does your dream date night look like?
10. If you could go back in time and relive one day in high school, would you?
11. What's a word you have trouble pronouncing correctly?
12. Do you sing in the shower?
13. What's your guilty pleasure?
14. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
15. Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?
16. If you started a podcast, what would the subject be?
17. Have you ever snooped on someone's phone in public?
18. If you could choose, would you be shorter or taller?
19. If you could be a dog breed, which one would you pick?
20. Do you wear slippers around the house?
21. If you cooked me your favourite meal, what would be on the menu?

3. Romantic questions 

Romance is what keeps relationships truly alive, and without a little effort on your part, your girlfriend may not be able to feel that emotional and romantic connection. But you can change this by asking her some romantic questions, which will bring you closer and give you an idea of what she prefers romantically. Some love questions to ask your girlfriend could be:
1. What's your love language?
2. What makes you feel loved?
3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
4. How do you express love to other people?
5. When did you realise you loved me?
6. Do you think I'm your end game?
7. Do we spend enough time together?
8. What do you think is romantic?
9. How do you feel about public proposals?
10. Do I make you feel heard?
11. Do you like receiving love letters?
12. Do you like celebrating your birthday?
13. Do you prefer fancy or casual date nights?
14. What does your ideal birthday celebration look like?
15. What's the best relationship advice you've ever given?
16. What do you like about being in a relationship with me?
17. Do you like receiving flowers? If not, what random gift would you love to receive?
18. What's your favourite movie or TV proposal?
19. Did you have a crush on any fictional characters growing up?
20. How do you think we should keep the spark alive in our relationship?
21. Do you like planned or spontaneous date nights?
22. If we could go on a date anywhere in the world, where would you pick it, and what would we do?

4. Questions on life 

Before deciding on your forever, it's always nice to have discussions with your girlfriend where you talk about life, family, finances, ambitions, kids, personal beliefs, and everything else that unites two people. Some serious questions to ask your girlfriend to understand her beliefs and core values could be:
1. What do you believe happens after death?
2. Do you ever think it's okay to lie? In what scenarios?
3. What's your biggest fear? Could you ever face it?
4. Do you see yourself getting married?
5. Does ageing scare you?
6. Do you want kids someday?
7. Would you ever live in another country?
8. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
9. What are your political views?
10. What are your views on money? What are your top financial goals?
11. What kind of parent do you want to be?

5. Questions on past and future relationship 

Since you both plan to spend your lives together or have begun seeing a future together, knowing each other’s backgrounds and taking on relationships is important. If it is okay with both of you, you can also talk about your previous relationships, but this isn’t mandatory. As long as you both can discuss your life so far and how it has moulded you, there is no way you won’t vibe with each other. So here are some serious questions to ask your girlfriend about her previous relationships and perspective on future relationships:
1. What was your childhood like?
2. How did people treat you in high school?
3. Do you ever imagine what our lives would look like together?
4. Why did your last relationship end?
5. What are your physical boundaries?
6. Do you feel safe in our relationship?
7. Do you keep in touch with your exes?

6. Cute questions 

If you’re looking for cute ways to spend time with your girl, you can try having interesting and light-hearted texting sessions with her. Not all discussions need to be serious, romantic, or humorous. Some of these can be about random things that make you both smile. For instance, ask her about her favourite memory with you. Some questions to ask your girlfriend over text could be:
1. What gives you butterflies?
2. What's your favourite date we've been on?
3. What's the best gift you've ever received?
4. What's the best gift you've ever given?
5. What's your favourite memory we've made together?
6. What's your favourite love song?
7. What song comes to your mind when you think of me?
8. How would you describe falling in love?
9. What's the best dream you've ever had?
10. What do I do that makes you laugh?
11. What's your ideal Sunday morning?
12. Do you believe in setting New Year's resolutions?
13. Have you ever written a poem or a song about someone?
14. What's another language you wish you could speak?
15. Do you like getting breakfast in bed?
16. What's your favourite quote about love?
17. What's a skill you think we could learn together?
18. How can I make you feel special?

Photo: Pexels/ Jasmin Wedding Photography