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An Easy Churros Recipe To Make For All Those Times You Crave Something Sweet And Crunchy

Churros, a fried dough dessert, are a popular sweet dish. With roots in Latin American cuisine, churros are the equivalent of the American doughnut. We bring you a simple recipe which will make churros your favourite dessert to make at home.

Team ZZ

Churros are long, rough-ended sticks made from choux pastry. Fried until crisp and gold-brown and then sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, churros hail from Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American cuisine. Today, churros are a well-loved dessert. Everyone loves a taste of these sugary, crispy delights served with a chocolate-based dipping sauce traditionally. While usually you will find churros in long, stick shapes, the shape and size of churros differ from country to country. For example, Spain is known to have long, thin versions of churros and parts of the US have thick, shorter-sized churros. What makes churros a universally loved dessert is that not only is the dessert simple and sweet, but it is also inexpensive, which means everyone can enjoy this sweet dessert. You can also make churros at home. Even if you are a beginner in the kitchen, following an easy churros recipe can be easy and fulfilling. Homemade churros are one of the easiest desserts to make because you can customise them and the dipping sauces to your preferences. Churro ingredients are also easy to get, with some being kitchen staples already. So, let us suggest a recipe for making churros to make these delicious choux pastry delights.

Churros ingredients 

To make yourself warm, crunchy and sugary homemade churros, you will need the following:

  1. A cup of water
  2. White sugar
  3. A pinch of salt
  4. Frying oil
  5. All-purpose flour 
  6. Cinnamon 
  7. 1 cup milk (optional)
  8. Vanilla extract (optional)
  9. For the chocolate sauce:
  10. 100g dark chocolate
  11. 50 ml heavy cream
  12. A dash of milk

Step-by-step easy churros recipe to follow

Follow this recipe for making churros 

  • Making the dough 
    Combine and mix water, salt, oil and sugar in a pan and bring to a boil. Take off heat and mix in the flour while continuously stirring to avoid forming any lumps. After the dough is nice and firm, set aside to let cool.
  • Piping the dough 
    After the dough has cooled off, scoop it into a piping bag. Cut an opening at one end and insert a nozzle of your choice for shaping the churros.
  • Frying the churros 
    When the dough is piped and ready to go, heat oil for frying. Test the oil for adequate heat and drop the dough in the shape and length you like. Fry until the churros get golden brown and nice and crispy. Remove from the hot oil and place onto a tray to drain excess oil and to cool them off.
  • Making the chocolate sauce 
    As your churros cool off, take the dark chocolate, or any other variant you want and place on a double boiler. To make a double boiler, take an open pan with some water and bring it to a boil, place another pan with the chocolate pieces on it and whisk continuously as the chocolate starts melting. Mix in the heavy cream as you whisk and when fully blended, take off the heat to cool it down.
  • Final touches 
    For the final touch, take a tray and mix in sugar and cinnamon. Take the churros and roll in this powder until they become evenly coated. Serve with the chocolate sauce when done.


1. What other flour can we use to make churros?

While all-purpose flour is the most commonly used flour to make churros, you can also use whole wheat flour and even bread flour for your recipe for homemade churros.

2. What other sauces can we serve as dipping sauces with churros?

Chocolate sauce is the traditional dipping sauce for churros. You can also serve different dipping sauces like a dulce de leche sauce, a caramel-based sauce, a vanilla bean sauce and a fruit-based sauce, such as raspberry or blackberry. You can also serve your churros with a serving of hot chocolate.

3. Can churros be baked?

Yes, if you want to skip the greasy oiliness that comes with frying something or enjoy churros but in a healthier way, you can easily bake churros. Preheat the oven to 375 Fahrenheit (190 Celsius) and line up your churros on a parchment paper set on a baking tray to bake them for 25-30 minutes. Let them cool before rolling them in cinnamon sugar.

Photo: Shutterstock