Expert Talk: Things To Remember While On Intermittent Fasting


​In Ayurveda, intermittent fasting is about the spaces in between your daily meals.

​Dr Dimple Jangda, Ayurveda & gut health coach, explains, “In giving our bodies adequate space to rest instead of digesting, we optimise our metabolism. In Ayurveda, this is referred to as your 'agni'. This is your fire.”

​In her recent Instagram post, Dr Jangda shared some easy tricks to remember when doing intermittent fasting.

​Rise with the sun and set with the sun. Eat only when the sun is up and so your metabolic fire can digest your food and aid absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

​Eat your biggest meal during the 12pm-2pm window when the sun is at the peak.

​Do not eat a big dinner, finish your day with a small meal just before sunset.

​A healthy Intermittent fasting begins at sunset and you can break it after sunrise.

​Ectomorph (vata Prakriti) is the thinnest body type. They can do 12 hours of intermittent fasting, as they tend to dehydrate quickly and experience fatigue or hunger pangs, it’s best for them to fast between 6pm to 6am.

​Mesomorphs (pitta prakriti) have a high metabolic fire and tend to put on weight easily and lose weight easily. It’s advised 12-14 hours of intermittent fasting, between 6pm to 8am.

​Endomorph (kapha Prakriti) is the thickest body type and they tend to put on weight easily and struggle to lose weight. It’s advisable to do 16-18 hours of intermittent fasting from 6pm to 10am.

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