8 Digital Detox Tips If You Are Reeling From Digital Fatigue Like Mira Kapoor

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​Is lack of energy, creativity, mental burnout and exhaustion bothering you? If you have not figured it out yet, these are symptoms of digital fatigue-- which is the physical and mental strain caused due to over-dependency on digital applications and gadgets.

​Celebrity entrepreneur Mira Kapoor took to Instagram to share her concern with digital fatigue. "Am I alone in this digital-fatigue mode," she asked her followers on Instagram stories. Following stories were evident that she wasn't in fact alone and that many were going through what she was.

​While the world seems to have gone digital, shunning technology altogether is a remote possibility. However, it can be used smartly, and in moderation. Tap for some digital detox tips to beat digital fatigue.

​Limit Screen Time

​Restrict the use of gadgets to a minimum of two hours before sleeping as they can overstimulate your mind and interfere with your sleep cycle.

​Trust Ayurveda

​Ayurveda prescribes two fundamental principles — dinacharya and ritucharya. The former refers to a daily routine while the latter to a seasonal routine. Follow ritucharya by starting your day early. This is not only important from a spiritual point of view but also from a functional perspective, as you get extra hours in the day.


​It’s important to make time for physical exercise even though we’re bound indoors. Ideally, an hour’s physical activity is recommended for any body type.

​Hello Hobbies!

​Make a conscious effort to get back to the hobbies you grew up with, whether it is reading books or painting. You can also lookup interesting online courses for dance or other hobbies.

​Yoga And Meditation

​Take time out to meditate and practise breathing exercises. An hour of yoga and meditation every day is sure to keep you energised and at peace.

​Nature Love

​Spend time in your garden or amidst nature to disconnect and keep stress levels at a minimum. Go outdoors for a walk, jog or sit by the beach to let nature heal you.

​Bond With Loved Ones

​Use this precious time to bond with your family and spend quality time together. Even if there’s more housework, take it as an opportunity to spend time together.


​Keep negative thoughts at bay by focusing on things you like—cooking your own food or making a call to an old friend.

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