5 Breakfast Mistakes Nutritionists Want You To Avoid

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​Thanks to our fast-paced lives, we intentionally or unintentionally wolf down greasy and unhealthy quick fixes for breakfast. We asked nutrition experts to share the worst breakfast foods according to them and here's what they shared.

​Sugar-laden breakfast cereals

​Breakfast cereals are nothing but a combination of refined carbohydrates and sugar which spike our blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar level leads to rebound hunger and makes us eat more at the next meal. Read the label wisely before choosing your breakfast cereal.

​Just coffee or black tea

​Drinking one of these beverages and thinking that you're ready for the day? Coffee and black tea on an empty stomach can impact digestion and may cause acidity.

​Fruit juices

​Drinking juice for breakfast causes your blood sugar to rise very quickly making you tired and shaky. Lack of fibre or fat does not satiate your hunger. Eating a whole fruit for breakfast not only satiates hunger but also provides energy for the whole day.

​Store-bought yoghurt

​Packaged yoghurt comes loaded with 9 to 10 grams of sugar, preservatives and stabilisers, which is a huge mistake. When consumed on a daily basis, are harmful to the gut bacteria that live in the digestive tract. Instead, you can choose homemade yoghurt.

​Processed meat

​Such types of meat contain high levels of sodium and filler ingredients like dextrose and corn sugar. Plus, they are heavy in calories due to high fat content and hence, must be avoided.

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