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Tips For Solo Travellers: All To Know Before You Begin Your Journey

Planning a trip all on your own can be a bit overwhelming, here are 7 tips to help you out.

Team ZZ

If you have decided to go solo for the first time, congratulations! Travelling solo is a great way to explore, learn, and experience all the wonderful things the world has to offer. These experiences shape you as a person, and simply put, is an education no school can give you.

That said, travelling solo comes with its own set of challenges. From packing to finding safe accommodations to taking care of yourself on the actual trip, it can be a bit daunting, which is why we came up with 7 tips to make your life easier as a solo traveller.

Here are 7 tips and tricks for first-time solo travellers

1. Start easy

This is something often overlooked and can cost you, quite literally. When you are starting out, the first few trips should be all about figuring out what you are like as a solo traveller. Discover what kind of places you like, what souvenirs you tend to buy, what are your key spending areas, and the like. 
If you go for an aspirational destination/trip, right at the beginning, you’ll be under intense pressure to tick all boxes instead of figuring out what works for you. And when it comes to travel, confusion costs.

2. Sort your communication

If you are travelling domestically, share your alternate contact details with at least 3 family members or friends. It could be your accommodation’s contact details or if it's a group outing, the company responsible. 
If travelling internationally, make sure you have a mode of communication in the new country. If it’s a short duration, you could go for a travel sim card, and if longer, it is better to opt for local sim cards.

3. Figure out your finances

Not only do you need to figure out your mode of payment if you’re travelling to a country with a different currency, but in some cases, you also need to notify your bank prior. In some cases, banks will flag your account if the location of money being withdrawn or spent changes so drastically. And being stranded in a new place without any access to your money seems like a nightmare you don’t want to sign up for.

4. Pack light

This is a common tip that is often overlooked but makes a massive difference. Packing lightly, not just in terms of your content but also your choice of the luggage can make a ll the difference when you’re just a bit overweight at a flight counter and don’t want to shell out a lot of money to manage it.

5. Have copies of all your important documents

You should ideally have copies of your passport, visa details, identity cards, and every other important document should anything go wrong. An even better way to manage it is by having physical as well as digital copies. Better prepared than nothing.

6. Pack your medicines, and a tiny first-aid kit

It doesn’t need to be elaborate but you won’t be able to first go find a chemist when something goes wrong. Plus, in countries like the USA, going to the doctor, even for a small ailment can cost you in thousands. Carry a small basic first aid kit and the most commonly needed medicines with you.

7. Familiarize yourself with the destination

If you’re headed somewhere that is culturally different, it helps to learn a few basic phrases and the local etiquette. While the locals might be a bit more lenient on you if you’re a tourist, it certainly never hurts to be prepared. 

Photo: Shutterstock