Although monogamy is considered as the regular practice when it comes to romantic relationships, there are a number of non-monogamous forms of relationships that are also coming into practice in recent times. With monogamy having its own limitations and drawbacks, ethical non-monogamy is a kind of practice that takes a unique shape with regards to the particular couple in question, in order to cater to the needs which are specific to a particular couple or individual. Ethical non-monogamy or an ENM relationship refers to the kind of romantic relationships which are not exclusive between two people. ENM relationships denote a kind of non-monogamous relationship, where all the partners have the liberty and choice to take part in other intimate, sexual or romantic relationships. Ethical non-monogamy dating is however described as ‘ethical’, this is because consent and communication are an integral part of such a practice. As long as an ENM relationship involves open communication and consent, it is considered as an accepted practice.
How is ethical non-monogamy and monogamy different?

Monogamous relationship refers to the practice of staying with only one romantic or sexual partner at a time, for the entire duration of that particular relationship. Monogamous relationships do not encourage being with another person while already in a relationship, as it is considered a breach of the mutual understanding between the couple. In such cases of monogamous relationships, being with someone else without the consent of your partner is considered as cheating, or more appropriately unethical non-monogamy.
The ENM dating meaning on the other hand refers to the practice of exploring and building relationships with other people and does not limit romantic or sexual relationships as being exclusive to two people only. Ethical non-monogamy involves clear communication, consent and mutual agreement between the partners. In ENM relationships, individuals can also maintain the dynamics with a primary partner, while exploring other relationship styles.
Ethical non-monogamy vs. cheating

ENM relationships’ meaning is determined by the presence of consent and clear and honest communication. ENM relationships and cheating cannot be considered synonymous because in ethical non-monogamous relationships all the partners involved are fully aware of the dynamics of the relationships, and practise mutual consent with regards to the same. There is no lying or deceiving involved in ethical non-monogamy, nor are the relationships with other people covered up in this type of practice. However, cheating can take place in ENM relationships as well, if the agreements between the partners are broken by the individuals involved.
Ethical non-monogamy is an umbrella term which encompasses different types of relationship models. Here are some of the common types of ENM relationships for you to take a look at:

A well-known version of ethical non-monogamous relationships, polyamory refers to the practice where several individuals are in a relationship together. It may involve a specific couple who are committed to each other, but at the same time have additional partners of their own. Another type of polyamory may involve long-term relationships to more than one person simultaneously at a time.
Polygamy refers to the practice where one person has multiple spouses. In such relationships, a wife can have multiple husbands, or a husband can have multiple wives. Although polygamy may be practised ethically, it is not considered legal in a number of countries and under certain laws.
Open relationships
This form of ethical non-monogamy does not involve being committed. Open relationships refer to the practice of having partners outside of a primary relationship. Individuals can pursue sexual connections, as well as get involved in romantic or emotional connections outside of a two-person relationship. However, in such cases, the primary relationship is often prioritised the most.
Monogamish refers to the practice involving couples who are generally in monogamous relationships, but occasionally take part in sexual relationships outside their primary relations. A relationship type that mainly focuses on having outside sexual encounters, monogamish relationships do not involve romantic connections with other individuals other than the primary partner.
Relationship anarchy
A type of ethical non-monogamy that moves beyond the conventional ways of being in relationships, in a relationship anarchy the individuals involved in the practice do not use hierarchical terms for their partners, or think of them as a priority. In other forms of ethical non-monogamy, the primary relationships are often prioritised, however, relationship anarchy aims to overthrow such a concept. Everyone is treated as equal in this type of practice. Relationship anarchy also does not label their relationships as strictly platonic, sexual or romantic.
Overall, when it comes to practising ethical non-monogamy, honesty and openness are prioritised above everything else. The mental, emotional and physical well being of the partners involved should be of utmost importance. While considering ENM relationships for the first time, it is necessary to educate oneself regarding the same.
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