Human relationships need to be nourished to bring happiness. Be it a rapport between you and your parents, siblings, romantic partner, or friends, there is always a need for mutual love, understanding, respect, and trust. A relationship where you are looked down upon or are denied the scope to communicate openly is unhealthy for your well-being.
Such toxic relationships are around us everywhere, and because of our fondness for the other person, it might be difficult to identify these toxic traits initially. If you are facing difficulties in a relationship with your significant other or perhaps a close one, look for some of these traits in the person to know if they are toxic for you.
Seven toxic traits to watch out for in a relationship
1. They devalue your self esteem

If your partner constantly targets you with criticism and unpleasant comments on the way you carry yourself or live, there might be a problem. Constant bickering and targeting of your insecurities are harmful to your self-esteem. For instance, if you find your partner always commenting, "Why are you wearing so much makeup?" "I don't like that dress." you should brace yourself for one of the typical toxic boyfriend signs. The same goes for friends, girlfriends, wives, or husbands. If someone can’t love you for who you are, it's a vain effort trying to make them a part of your life.
2. They don’t support you

A partner who loves you always wants the best for you. If you fail to find a cheerleader in your partner, chances are they are not too happy about your wins. Your partner must support you to excel in your professional and personal pursuits and not be somebody who holds you back. Watch out for this toxic trait in a relationship to ensure you’re with the wrong person!
3. They’re not honest with you

One of the important signs a friendship is toxic is dishonesty. This is true for romantic relationships as well. If a person has more to hide from you than share with you, it speaks a lot about what they think of you. Transparency is the key to a happy relationship, and if you fail to find that trust in your relationship, this bond may not work out in the long run. Constantly breaking promises, deleting texts, hiding their plans from you, etc, are some of the typical toxic relationship traits to watch out for.
4. They stonewall you
Every relationship has its share of disagreements, different opinions, and occasional fights. The healthy way out of such disagreements is communication. However, if your partner is reluctant to share that space where you can have an open dialogue about things, he or she is stonewalling you. Stonewalling is when a person becomes unresponsive to discussions or refuses to listen. Stonewalling is one of the toxic traits in a relationship that can sabotage a genuine bond and bring in barriers that become impossible to break. If you spot this toxic wife sign, either find a way to reach them despite the barriers or compel them to sit with you and have ‘the talk.’ Nobody likes to break a relationship, but if this toxic relationship trait persists, you might have to take an extreme step and decide to walk out of such a marriage or relationship.
5. They disrespect you
Respect is one of the pillars that keeps a relationship strong. In the absence of mutual respect, there is a lack of affection that eventually surfaces. If your partner doesn't hesitate to humiliate you publicly, doesn't value your time and efforts, or is quick to belittle the things you say, believe, and do, he is showing one of the toxic boyfriend signs. The same goes for your girlfriend, wife, or husband. In a prolonged relationship of constant disrespect, you might feel your love for the other person is reducing. It's always better to address these issues and have your partner know how their actions make you feel. But if you see no improvement in their attitude toward you despite telling them it's a toxic relationship, you must leave immediately!
6. They make you feel drained
A relationship is supposed to bring you peace and comfort. If your partner makes you feel drained and out of energy by their conversations or presence, you might never truly be able to cherish that bond. For instance, if your wife begins an argument over trivial things soon after you return from a long day at work, she might demonstrate toxic wife signs. Your first approach should always be resolving conflict, but if the effort is one-sided, you will feel drained sooner or later. These are signs a relationship is toxic and unhealthy for your long-term happiness and well-being.
7. They don’t bring out the best in you
One of the foremost things to expect in a relationship with a friend or partner is that they accept you as an individual with all your flaws and mannerisms. If you can't be yourself in front of them and have to pretend to be quieter, calmer, or just something you aren't already, there might be a problem in that relationship. Such toxic traits in a relationship cause you to bottle up your entire personality and preferences and constantly try to be someone they approve of. If your friend has such unrealistic expectations of change from you, it's one of the clearest signs that a friendship is toxic. If a friend can't let your inner spark for life glow, they're clearly not bringing out the best in you. The same logic extends to your romantic partner. For instance, if you're a girl who loves to socialise and your partner restricts you or causes hindrance every time you wish to hang out with your friends, he is exhibiting one of the classic toxic boyfriend signs.