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4 Simple Steps To Manifest Love That You Need To Practice

If you are also wondering how do I manifest love and if there is any best time to manifest love, these simple steps are all you need.

Team ZZ

Whether you grow up believing in the miracles of the law of attraction or picked up the term on social media reels, we are sure you know about manifestation. Often described as a process to consciously set positive intentions about what you want from life, manifesting has seen a sharp rise in its popularity. No matter where you look on the internet, there are people talking about what all they manifested, and how. Statements from stars like Priyanka Chopra Jonas about how she thinks her mother manifested her husband, Nick Jonas also bring the chatter to the mainstream, making one wonder if it is possible, and how to manifest love.

Before you dismiss it as internet fluff, many experts believe that the process of manifestation is rooted in psychology, and questions like how do I manifest love can often make you take cognizance of your current mental state, and push for active steps to make it better. Our beliefs whether positive or limiting impact our patterns and actions. If you keep believing that there is a best time to manifest love, you shift into a waiting state, which often makes you skip opportunities to find a partner that you’d have otherwise acted on. Manifesting is on the other end of this belief system, where you choose what you want, and your thoughts and actions follow. This is as applicable to manifesting a career move as it is to manifesting love. It comes with a disclaimer though. If how to manifest love with a specific person on paper is what you are looking for, you might be disappointed. Experts believe the law of attraction and manifesting work the same way the genie’s wishes did in Alladin; you can’t make somebody fall in love with you. You can however learn how to manifest love that your heart desires, and that is what we are here to help you with.

Here are the steps to manifest love that you can incorporate in your day to day activities

1. Deciding what you want 

If you are wondering how to manifest love, deciding what you want love to look like should be your first step. Think of manifesting as ordering from the universe’s shopping app. When you decide to order something off the online app, you have a clear picture in mind. When deciding how to manifest love, this is exactly what you need to do. Have a clear picture of what an ideal love or relationship looks like to you. Would you want a partner who shares the same interests as you, or would you want a partner who might be completely different and introduce you to new things in the world? Deciding what it is that you desire is the first step in the list of how to manifest love.

2. Visualize what it feels like 

Once you have completed the first step of how to manifest love, and have decided on a list of desirable traits, the next is to visualize them in a person. Visualize how they will act, and how you feel about this person. It is one thing to list things you want in a partner, and another to visualize them as a three-dimensional person. Visualisation is an extremely important part of the process of how to manifest love as it not only gives you an idea of what the person might feel like but also what kind of person you will be in this relationship.

3. Embody this version of yourself 

In this art of seeking what you want, it is important to not only understand how to manifest love but also that one needs to be capable of receiving that love. Just as it wouldn’t make sense for one to manifest a Ferrari without a garage space to keep it safely, it wouldn’t make sense to manifest a relationship if you are not in the headspace to sustain it. Once you have visualised the relationship, the next step in how to manifest love process is to act like the version of yourself that you’d be if it materialised.

4. Take action that aligns with your goals

In the last step of how to manifest love, you must take actions that align with your goals fearlessly. If a career change is what you are manifesting, taking aligned action means interviewing at different places, even if that feels extremely out of your comfort zone. Similarly, if you’re wondering how do I manifest love; after these aforementioned steps, it is now time to put yourself out there. Whether it is activity clubs, or fun night outs, or even a networking event, interacting with more and more people is how you align your goals and actions to manifest love.

Remember, the universe is an endless catalogue of what is possible, and all you have to wish for it to hear your command. 

Photo: Shutterstock