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Callisthenics Workout For Strength: Here Are The Best Beginner Friendly Exercises

The best part about working out is that there is no one way to go about it. If a good callisthenics workout is what you want to try, here are some beginner-level exercises to try.

Team ZZ

When it comes to working out, you will find many choices. You can train with fancy machines and weights or enrol for workout classes like HIIT, Zumba, running, and more. But, one form of exercise that is beneficial for people to help improve their strength levels and overall fitness is the callisthenics workout. This form of workout uses your body weight as a form of resistance. That is also why it is considered even better than training with weights, machines, etc. It is making a comeback again, especially after the pandemic. During the pandemic, when people were stuck at home, unable to go to the gym or a run, a home callisthenics workout became all the rage. 
Since callisthenics exercise does not need any equipment, you can easily do it in the privacy of your home, should you choose to. This type of workout is also optimal for home workouts because it is not too complicated. The best callisthenics workout includes well-known exercises like pull-ups, triceps dips, push-ups, etc. Most people have heard of these exercises, even if they have not done them, which works perfectly fine for your beginner callisthenics workout. Read on to learn about what exercises should feature in an effective beginner callisthenics workout.

Some beginner exercises to include in your callisthenics workout at home


It is a common callisthenics exercise people add to their beginner workout regime at home. Although they might seem basic, the fact that they tone your core, upper arms, legs, shoulders, hips and chest makes them the best callisthenics for beginners at home. It is suggested to beginners that they should start doing push-ups on their knees before proceeding to the plank position to practise the correct form.


Dips help train the triceps, chest and shoulders. If you want to add definition to your upper arms, this is the best exercise. You can use anything, like a chair, sofa, etc., as the elevated surface needed for this exercise. For beginners, start with keeping your legs bent at the knees and then proceed to straighten them after perfecting form. This upper body exercise is one of the best exercises to add to a routine for callisthenics training for beginners. 

Resistance band pull-ups

This exercise, a perfect fit for a beginner callisthenics workout at home, works best as it helps gradually prepare you for a full, unassisted pull-up. While it does take on your body weight, your core strength still gets developed. To do this, loop the resistance band from a pull-up bar, place one foot or knee on the loop and let the other leg sway. Experts believe resistance band pull-ups are better than machine pull-ups at helping you progress to full pull-ups. 

Jumping jacks

A classic exercise typically a part of callisthenics training for beginners, jumping jacks are a favourite for a reason. This exercise includes almost all of your body by helping tone your lower and upper body together. Experts suggest keeping your core engaged while doing jumping jacks for increased engagement. 


When you plan your regime for callisthenics training for beginners, squats are an exercise that should not be left off. It is an important exercise that engages your core and lower body muscles. Mastering squats is considered so necessary that experts suggest making squats almost second nature before you move further in your callisthenics training. 

Tabletop crunches

Our core is where all muscles derive the strength required for working out. Therefore, it is necessary to strength-train your core as part of your callisthenics training. Tabletop crunches are perfect for this, as they strengthen your upper and lower abs simultaneously, which makes them a complete core workout.

Lateral lunges

Best for working your glutes and toning your upper leg muscles, this exercise does wonders for your lower body muscles. This exercise is typically a part of beginner-level callisthenics workouts, all thanks to their non-complex nature and the fact that you can easily do it anywhere. It also helps improve your balance and overall stability.

Glute bridges

While you can easily train your leg muscles, training posterior muscles, especially with hip extensions, can be trickier. Posterior muscles are an important part of strength training and should be focused on properly. Glute bridges are the building block for other callisthenics exercises, such as elevated glute bridges and other single-leg variations.

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