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7 Yoga Poses To Soothe Your Stomach Naturally From Digestion & Constipation

Not only flexibility and overall health, yoga also helps immensely with digestion and constipation issues. Here are some yoga poses to practice for a better and healthier gut.

Team ZZ

Yoga is an age-old practice with multiple benefits for the body and mind. It is an excellent way to keep the body fit and flexible. Yoga helps strengthen muscles and improve one’s gut health. You might be surprised to know that stress not only affects one’s peace but also impacts digestion. There is a connection between the brain and the gut, researchers call this pathway the vagus nerve. When stimulated, the vagus nerve helps relieve depression and anxiety. This can be done by regulating one’s breath, breathing slowly and deeply and that’s when yoga comes in.

It is a known fact that gut problems cause many inconveniences in doing even our regular tasks. Hence, it is so important to ensure good digestive health. If you or someone you know suffers from constipation, indigestion or other gut problems, trying yoga could be a natural way to ease these issues. We know choosing the right poses to address gut health issues could be confusing, so here is a list of the seven most recommended yoga for stomach issues.

Here are some yoga for relief from constipation and indigestion

1. Supine twist

The supine twist is a relaxing pose that is known to be an effective digestion yoga asana. To do this yoga exercise for constipation, lie on your back and bring one knee to your chest. Now cross the knee and drop it on the opposite side of the body. It creates a twist and helps stretch the muscles. Use the opposite hand to press the knee to the floor and hold the position. The other arm remains extended to the outside all this while. Now repeat the same pose with the other leg and hold the position for 15-20 seconds. Try to do this asana 8-10 times every day.

2. Cow pose

The cow pose is a commonly recommended digestion yoga asana. To do this yoga for stomach issues, get on all fours and place your hands directly underneath your shoulders. Drop your belly while lifting your tailbone, and keep your gaze upward, parallel to the wall. Now drop your neck and head down as you exhale. Round your shoulders gently and pull your stomach towards the sky. Make sure to focus on your breathing and repeat the exercise for 8-10 times.

3. Thread the needle

Thread the Needle is a good yoga for stomach issues with a very interesting name. To do this yoga for digestion, get on all fours and place your hands underneath your shoulders. Keep your knees aligned under your hips. Let your right shoulder drop to the floor, extend your right arm, open the palm to the ceiling, and keep your right cheek on the floor. Keep your hips locked and stretch your left hand forward. Focus on your breathing and hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Now, repeat the same process with your left hand.

4. Downward dog

The downward dog is an effective yoga for digestion as it stretches the abdominal muscles to help release gasses. To do this yoga for gastric problems, get into a plant position by keeping the hand at shoulder distance. Now, raise your hip and let the heels sink close to the floor. Try to make an upside-down triangle with the floor as the base. Let your head hang down, push your shoulders away from your ears and focus on your breathing. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and repeat it at least 8-10 times.

5. Seated spinal twist

The seated spinal twist is an extremely beneficial yoga for digestive health. To do this pose, sit on the floor by bending your legs. Make sure your knees are pointed up. Now thread your right leg between your left butt cheek and left heel in a way that your right leg rests on the floor. Now move your left foot toward your right hip, while keeping it at an upward-pointing position. Now take a deep breath and gently twist your upper body toward the inside of the left leg. The left hand should be on the floor for support and the right elbow should be crossed over the left knee to hold the twist position. Although it might take some effort, try to keep the left butt cheek glued to the floor and keep the spine as straight as possible. Repeat this pose on both sides for at least 10-15 times.

6. Crescent twist

The crescent twist is an effective yoga for digestive health. To do this pose, put one foot forward, directly over the knee. Ensure that you’re up on the ball of your back foot and keep your back leg straight. Now join your hands in a prayer position and twist towards your bent leg. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds to feel the impact and then repeat the pose on the other side.

7. Wind relieving pose

The wind-relieving pose is one of the best yoga for gastric problems. This is also one of the most effective non-twist yoga exercises for constipation. Just recline on your back and try to hug your legs to your chest. Hold this position for a minute or two and you'll soon feel better. Another way to do this exercise is to extend one leg out and hold it close to the chest and then repeat the process with the other leg.

Photo: Shutterstock