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5 Foods You Should Turn To When You Have a Sore Throat

Yummy and healthy ways to calm that itch.

Annabelle Dcosta

A sore throat is usually the first sign that you’ve caught a viral infection. With days of coughing, sneezing and fever ahead of you, it would be wise to stock up on these immunity-boosting spices. Meanwhile, with all the discomfort a sore throat brings along, it can tend to put you off meals altogether. You don’t need to starve yourself just because salt water gargles aren’t doing the trick. Here’s a meal plan you can follow when you have a sore throat. Not only will it be easier for you to consume food, but these will also bring relief to your sore throat and there will be no interruption in your daily nutrition intake either.

Herbal Drinks

Trade your regular cup of chai or coffee for warm and soothing herbal drinks. The easiest one to whip up is ginger tea. Simply add some ginger to a pot of boiling hot water and sip on this comforting beverage all through the day. Ginger comes loaded with antioxidants and improves immunity too. Continue reading the health benefits of ginger. If you like, throw in a few sage leaves. Thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it's very good at calming sore throats. 

Turn to chamomile if the cough gets severe, its antispasmodic properties help to reduce coughing. Continue reading the health benefits of chamomile. Cloves work as a natural expectorant. Infuse some clove pods in a cup of hot water and drink it. This will help loosen the mucus from the throat and provide instant relief. You could also treat yourself to a concoction of hot water, honey and lemon. Honey acts as a natural cough suppressant, while lemon heals your sore throat and improves your immune system. 


Soups remain the go-to food when it comes to soothing a sore throat. Just like other warm beverages, soups help prevent inflammation in the throat and keep you hydrated. A bowl of hot soup will also ease chest congestion and open the sinus passages, providing you soothing relief. When you have a viral infection, it is best to stick with clearer, less thick soups as they are easier to consume. Plus it's best to make your own soup at home rather than ordering in or picking the cans and store-bought packets. Load your soup with nutrition by mixing chicken and vegetables in the stock.


When you have a sore throat, it is best to avoid acidic fruits such as oranges. These fruits can irritate the already inflamed surface of the throat. Go for soft, non-acidic fruits instead. Bananas are a good option. They provide your body with essential nutrients such as vitamin B6, potassium and vitamin C. Simply mash a banana with a spoon and you have a soft, super healthy food for your sore throat which is not even difficult to consume. Blend it into a smoothie if your throat is very irritated.

Pomegranates too boast impressive health benefits thanks to their antioxidants. Not only is this fruit loaded with immune-boosting properties but is also an astringent which can help fight infections. Apart from helping you stay hydrated, pomegranate juice brings with it health-boosting tannins, anthocyanins and ellagic acid – all of which can help improve your overall health.


Veggies such as carrots, cabbage, potatoes, broccoli, kale and other such greens have powerful antioxidants to fight off infection and can be easy on your sore throat. However, they should be cooked until they are tender – it's best to steam them and if you do happen to boil them, don’t forget to drink the water. Adding a dash ofapple cider vinegar to your veggies could be a delicious way to have them, and most importantly, your throat will thank you for this. Mashed potatoes make for an easy-to-swallow and filling meal too.

Eggs and Meat 

While it’s important that you steer clear from red meat, you could turn to eggs and fishes such as salmon, tuna and mackerel for your daily source of proteins. Fish and eggs contain a significant amount of omega fatty acids, a compound that helps reduce inflammation. Eggs are a good source of zinc, a mineral that’s found in most cold medicines. When boiled or scrambled, they are usually easy to travel through an inflamed throat.Check out the five ways you can cook eggs. Try boiling your fish with little or no spices to maximise the protein intake and at the same time soothe your throat. While you're at it, find out how you can eat fish without hurting the environment.

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