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8 Interesting Facts About India

India is a vast nation and there's so much to discover. Here are some facts that will make your jaw drop.

Team ZZ

What are some interesting facts about India that you’re already aware of? Across the globe, it’s not unknown that India has a rich cultural and historical heritage. It is a land of diverse traditions, languages, and landscapes. From the soaring Himalayas to the serene backwaters of Kerala, India is a country that is full of surprises. While all these facts about India may seem interesting to those who are completely unaware of our country, there are many more specialities India possesses. 

We’ve made a list of some interesting facts about India, we're sure you don't know of. 

Fun facts about India

1. The world’s largest sundial is in Jaipur

India is home to the world's largest sundial, the Samrat Yantra, which is located in Jaipur. Built in the 18th century by Maharaja Jai Singh II, this astronomical instrument is an impressive feat of engineering.  

The sundial is 27 meters (88 feet) tall and is made entirely of marble. It is accurate to within two seconds, making it one of the most precise sundials in the world. The Samrat Yantra is a testament to the advanced knowledge of astronomy and mathematics that was present in ancient India.

2. World's highest cricket ground in Himachal Pradesh

India’s love for cricket is quite well-known. But our love for the sport is so big that one of the most interesting facts about India is that it’s home to a cricket ground at a high altitude too.  The world's highest cricket ground is located in Chail, Himachal Pradesh, at an altitude of 2,444 meters (8,018 feet) above sea level. Built in 1893, the ground was initially used by the British for their army games. The picturesque ground is surrounded by mountains and is a favourite among cricket enthusiasts. The ground has hosted several matches, including the Ranji Trophy, which is India's domestic first-class cricket competition.

3. India’s postal network is the largest in the world

While this may come across as an interesting fact about India to the world, it’s not surprising to us Indians. India has the world's largest post office network, with over 154,000 post offices. 

The Indian postal service is one of the oldest in the world, dating back to the 18th century. The postal service plays an essential role in connecting the vast and diverse country, with even the most remote regions having access to postal services. The Indian postal service has also been instrumental in financial inclusion, with the introduction of the Postal Savings Bank in 1882.

4. A floating post office

While we're on the subject of India having the world’s largest postal network, here is another interesting fact about India- we also have a floating post office. Located in Dal Lake, Srinagar, the post office is housed in a traditional Kashmiri houseboat and offers a unique postmark to visitors. The post office is a popular attraction for tourists, who enjoy sending postcards and letters from the picturesque location. The post office is also a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the Indian postal service, which has found unique ways to reach even the most remote corners of the country. 

5. India’s love for board games is ancient

Who knew Indians loved board games since ancient times? It’s definitely an interesting fact that the game of Snakes and Ladders, also known as Moksha Patam, originated in ancient India. 

The game was initially used to teach children about the consequences of their actions, with the snakes representing vices and the ladders representing virtues. The game was later introduced to England by the colonial rulers and eventually spread to other parts of the world. Today, Snakes and Ladders is a popular board game played across the globe.

6. India grows mangoes as much as it loves to eat them

We love our mangoes! But here’s an interesting fact about India: we don't just love growing them, we also grow them in copious amounts. That's right- India is the world's largest producer of mangoes, and over 40 per cent of the world's mangoes are grown in India. Mangoes are an integral part of Indian cuisine and are used in various dishes, from desserts to savoury curries. There are over 1,000 varieties of mangoes grown in India, each with its unique taste and texture. The most popular varieties include Alphonso, Kesar, and Dasheri. 

7. The world’s largest spice market is in India

Another super interesting fact about India is one that's connected to all our homes, especially our kitchens. Sure, the British took home some hugely popular spices from India, but who would have thought that the world’s largest spice market would be in the capital?

The world's largest spice market, Khari Baoli, is located in Old Delhi. The market has been in existence since the 17th century and is a paradise for food lovers. The market is home to a vast array of spices, herbs, and other ingredients used in Indian cuisine. The market is a bustling hub of activity, with vendors selling their wares from small shops and stalls. A visit to Khari Baoli is an assault on the senses, with the smells and sounds of the market leaving a lasting impression.

8. The world’s largest salt desert is here

India’s diverse terrain is what gives this country its spectacular desert destinations. But what an amazing fact that we have the largest salt desert, no? 

The world's largest salt desert, the Rann of Kutch, is located in Gujarat. The desert spans over 7,500 square kilometres (2,900 square miles) and is a unique landscape that is unlike any other in the world. The desert is known for its blindingly white salt flats, which stretch as far as the eye can see. The Rann of Kutch is also home to several unique species of flora and fauna, including the endangered Indian Wild Ass. The desert comes alive during the annual Rann Utsav, a vibrant cultural festival that celebrates the region's art, music, and crafts. The Rann of Kutch is a must-visit destination for anyone looking for a truly unforgettable travel experience in India.

If these interesting facts about India have sparked a new-found love for the country, it’s time to explore. You can travel around the country and view some of the most famous Shiva temples, the oldest Ganesh temples, and even check out the most historic caves in India

Disclaimer: The details mentioned throughout this blog are sourced from publicly accessible platforms. At Zeezest, we intend to share factual and verified information. Should there be any inconsistencies or variances in the information provided, please understand that these are entirely unintentional and not meant to mislead. 

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