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Top 5 Places To Visit In Gwalior You Should Not Miss On Your Next Trip

Explore top 5 places to visit in Gwalior from Gwalior Fort, Jai Vilas Palace to historical Gujari Mahal, divine Teli Ka Mandir, and serene Sun Temple.

Priyanshi Agrawal

We're packing our bags for a virtual trip to the vibrant city of Gwalior. This gem in Madhya Pradesh boasts a rich history, stunning architecture, and a cultural scene that will leave you spellbound.

So, get ready to explore the top 5 places to visit in Gwalior that should be on your itinerary.  Whether you're a history buff, an art aficionado, or simply someone who loves soaking in the local vibes, Gwalior has something for everyone.

Top 5 places to visit in Gwalior

1. Gwalior Fort

Let's kick things off with a true showstopper – the magnificent Gwalior Fort. Perched atop a gigantic sandstone hill, this fort complex has witnessed centuries of history unfold within its walls.  Imagine towering ramparts, intricate carvings, and ancient palaces whispering tales of bygone eras.

As you enter the fort, prepare to be transported back in time. Explore the grandiose Man Mandir Palace, marvel at the exquisite Jahaz Mahal (Palace of Ships), and climb up to the imposing Gujarat Gate for breathtaking panoramic views of the city.  History buffs, keep an eye out for the prehistoric cave paintings and the fascinating inscriptions that dot the fort walls.

Pro tip: Don't miss the light and sound show held in the evenings. It brings the fort's history alive with a vibrant spectacle of sound and light!

Places to visit in Gwalior: Gwalior Fort is a vast complex, so plan to spend at least half a day exploring its many wonders.

2. Sas-Bahu Temples

Next stop, we delve into the architectural brilliance of Gwalior!  The Sas-Bahu Temples, a complex of two intricately carved Jain temples, are a sight to behold. The name translates to "Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law temples," although the exact reason behind the moniker remains a mystery.

Prepare to be mesmerised by the detailed sculptures and the unique architectural styles of the two temples.  The earlier temple showcases a more restrained elegance, while the later one boasts a profusion of ornamentation.  Take your time to wander through the halls, admire the intricate pillars, and soak in the serenity of this spiritual haven.

Things to see in Gwalior:  Look for the fascinating celestial figures and geometric patterns adorning the temple walls. These offer a glimpse into the beliefs and symbolism of the Jain religion.

3. Jai Vilas Palace

Ever dreamed of feeling like a Maharaja (king)? Well, a visit to the opulent Jai Vilas Palace will get you pretty close! This 19th-century palace, built by the Scindia dynasty, is a majestic blend of Italian and Tuscan architectural styles.  Think of ornate chandeliers, sprawling courtyards, and a collection of artefacts that will leave you speechless.

As you wander through the palace, keep an eye out for the Durbar Hall, modelled after the  Versailles, and the magnificent dining room, which is said to be the largest in Asia! Don't forget to check out the museum housed within the palace grounds, showcasing a fascinating collection of royal memorabilia, weapons, and armoury.

Gwalior attractions:  For a truly special experience, consider taking a guided tour of the Jai Vilas Palace. The guides weave fascinating stories about the Scindia dynasty and bring the palace's history to life.

4. Sun Temple

Gwalior isn't just about historical grandeur; it also offers a spiritual haven for those seeking peace. The Sun Temple, a modern marvel built in the late 20th century, is dedicated to Surya, the Sun God.  The entire temple complex is built in red sandstone and reflects the sun's rays in a mesmerizing way.

As you enter the temple, prepare to be enveloped in a sense of serenity.  The intricate carvings and the calming atmosphere make it an ideal place to unwind and reflect.  If you're visiting Gwalior during the annual Surya Mahotsav festival, you're in for a treat!  The temple complex comes alive with vibrant celebrations and cultural performances.

Gwalior sightseeing places: Don't miss the opportunity to climb the seven chariots surrounding the main temple.  The panoramic views from the top are truly breathtaking!

5. Tansen Tomb

Gwalior's rich tapestry extends beyond its historical monuments.  The city was also the home of Tansen, a legendary musician in the court of Mughal emperor Akbar. A visit to his tomb is a must for music lovers and history enthusiasts alike.

The tomb itself is a simple structure, but the reverence for Tansen is palpable.  Here's where things get interesting, though. Legend has it that Tansen's music was so powerful that it could light lamps and even manipulate the weather!  While we can't verify these tales, they certainly add a touch of magic to Tansen's legacy.

Gwalior places to see:  If you're feeling adventurous, head to the nearby Mansingh Palace, where Tansen is believed to have resided.  The palace itself is in ruins, but it offers a glimpse into the world of the Mughal court musician.

So, pack your bags, book your tickets, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through time in the heart of Madhya Pradesh. 

Photo: Shutterstock