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Mutta Mala By Chef Akanksha Khatri

Mutta Mala is a Malabar dessert that is made during the wedding festivities. Chef Akanksha Khatri brings this traditional wedding dish from the Mappila community to your kitchen.

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Cooking Time10-15 Min

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Preparation Time5-10 Min

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  • For Mutta Mala

    • 5 eggs

    • 1 cup sugar

    • 1 cup water


  1. 1

    Take 5 eggs and use two bowls to separate the egg whites and yolks.
  2. 2

    Set aside the egg whites and strain the yolks.
  3. 3

    Next, make sugar syrup by boiling sugar and water until it is at a one string consistency.
  4. 4

    Pour the egg yolks (using a bottle with a hole or a coconut shell ladle with a hole) in a circular manner into the hot syrup to make a netted necklace of yolks.
  5. 5

    When the Mutta Mala is ready, gently remove it from the syrup.