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Ginger Amla Sandesh By Chef Kunal Kapur

Ginger Amla Sandesh is a sweet made from adrak (ginger) and amla. Chef Kunal Kapur shares the recipe of this unique sweet dish.



Cooking Time

10-15 Min

Meal Type


Preparation Time

10 Min




  • For Ginger Amla Sandesh

    • 750 ml milk

    • 1 Indian gooseberry

    • 1 cup jaggery powder

    • 1 tsp grated Indian gooseberry

    • 1 tsp grated ginger

    • Indian gooseberry for garnish

    • mixed dry fruits for garnish


  1. 1

    In a pan, boil 750 ml milk and add 1 chopped Indian gooseberry to it and let it boil until it curdles.
  2. 2

    Then strain the curdled milk with a muslin cloth and let it cool down.
  3. 3

    Once chenna is ready, transfer it into a large platter and mix it properly along with powdered jaggery.
  4. 4

    In a pan, add the prepared mixture and roast it properly. Then spread it on a large platter and let the mixture set.
  5. 5

    In a pan, lightly roast 1 tsp grated ginger and 1 tsp grated amla and mix it with the roasted mixture.
  6. 6

    Now make small pedas of the mixture and garnish it with mixed dry fruits and sliced Indian gooseberry. Ginger amla sandesh is ready to serve.