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Give Your Pets Extra TLC With Captain Zack

The pet care and hygiene brand with its natural ingredients is making sure your pupper gets pampered with the best.

Team ZZ

According to Statista Research, the population of pet dogs in India is forecasted to reach over 31 million by the end of the year 2023. That is a whopping number and a clear indicator of how four-legged friends have become an integral part of the modern Indian family. Catering to the demands of pet owners, better known as pet parents, is Captain Zack—a pet care and hygiene brand.

Founded by entrepreneur Mohit Lalwani, Captain Zack is a brand named after Lalvani’s pup, Zack. As Zack grew up, he developed an itch, which was not relieved despite using numerous pet shampoos. Unhappy with the general product quality available in India, Lalvani, who has three decades of experience in the personal care and pharma industry, decided to create safe products that care deeply for pet hygiene and health. This decision was also driven by pet parents treating them as their own children and wanting the best for their pets. “Pet parents are very alert, educated about what are they buying for the health, nutrition, and grooming of their pets. They want products that are safe and human-grade,” explains Surbhi Kanswa, Head of Marketing, Captain Zack.

For every pooch

With extensive research and development, Captain Zack products’ objective is to offer canines the most comforting reaction-free experience. The products are infused with the goodness of natural actives and essential oils with no harmful chemicals or substances to ensure happy, shiny, and well-groomed pets. They are also paraben-free and pH balanced to suit a pet’s skin. Captain Zack’s shampoo is one of the best sellers along with the eight-in-one grooming kit. The brand has curated 40 such breed-specific grooming kits.

Captain Zack also has a range of products for specialised dog needs such as ticks and fleas and itching. “We have used the most potent natural active ingredients IR3535, which is a proven tick and flea repellent, and Tasman pepper berry, which has been proven to calm and soothe pet skin instantly. Moreover, we have curated this range in association with veterinarians,” says Kanswa.

Kanswa informs that Captain Zack’s dog fragrances are equally popular. Named, Pawtisserie Range, these pet scents have yummy French dessert flavours. “These scents are made with human-grade food flavour and without any artificial fragrance. We have made sure we keep the safety aspect our priority. To top it all, these scents last up to eight hours,” she says adding, “We are going to be launching more products to make every pet healthy and every pet parent’s life easier."

Captain Zack eventually aims to become a one-stop-shop for pets. “Mohit intends to organise the unorganised pet-care industry in India and make it more compassionate and community-driven,” saysKanswa. They are building a community of pet parents through Captain Zack’s University of Barkley. His love and passion for animals led Lalvani to also establish the animal welfare foundation, We Love Animals Foundation. The foundation feeds over 1,500 strays, conducts educational programs to sensitise kids towards strays, and neuter and vaccinate them.

Photo: Captain Zack