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7 Indian Conservation Organisations To Know About On World Conservation Day

Here is a comprehensive list of Indian environmental organisations that work towards making India a cleaner, pollution-free country.

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India is blessed with remarkable biodiversity, encompassing a wide range of ecosystems, from lush forests to arid deserts, and from snow-capped mountains to coastal wetlands. This vast array of habitats provides a home to numerous species of plants and animals, many of which are unique to the Indian subcontinent. However, rapid urbanisation, deforestation, pollution, and poaching pose significant threats to this fragile ecosystem. To counteract these challenges, numerous wildlife conservation organisations in India are working tirelessly to protect and preserve the country's rich natural heritage.

World Conservation Day, also known as World Nature Conservation Day, is celebrated annually on 28 July. This significant day aims to raise awareness about the importance of conserving the environment and the need for sustainable practices to protect our planet's natural resources. World Conservation Day serves as a reminder that we all have a responsibility to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, ecosystems, and the overall well-being of our planet.

World Conservation Day plays a crucial role in highlighting the urgent need to address environmental issues and promote sustainable development. It serves as a platform to educate individuals and communities about the consequences of unchecked human activities, such as deforestation, pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change. The day emphasises the interconnectedness of human well-being and the health of the planet, emphasising that environmental conservation is essential for the survival and prosperity of future generations.

On the occasion of World Conservation Day, here we explore some prominent Indian wildlife conservation organisations and their commendable efforts

1. Wildlife Trust of India (WTI)

The Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) is one of the leading wildlife conservation organisations in the country. Established in 1998, WTI focuses on species conservation, habitat preservation, and the prevention of wildlife crime. WTI collaborates with local communities, government agencies, and other NGOs to implement conservation projects across India. Their initiatives include projects for tiger conservation, elephant protection, marine biodiversity conservation, and the rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife.

2. Wildlife Conservation Society-India (WCS-India)

The Wildlife Conservation Society-India (WCS-India) is an organisation committed to conserving wildlife and their habitats in India. WCS-India works closely with the government and local communities to protect iconic species such as tigers, elephants, rhinoceroses, and snow leopards. They employ a scientific approach, conducting research, and monitoring programs to understand the dynamics of ecosystems and develop effective conservation strategies.

3. Sanctuary Asia

Sanctuary Asia is a renowned wildlife conservation organisation in India that advocates for nature conservation through various media platforms. Their flagship publication, Sanctuary Asia magazine, raises awareness about wildlife issues, showcases success stories, and highlights the importance of preserving India's natural heritage. In addition to publishing, Sanctuary Asia also supports on-ground conservation initiatives and collaborates with other organisations to protect key ecosystems.

4. Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)

Founded in 1883, the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) is one of the oldest and most influential wildlife conservation organisations in India. BNHS focuses on research, conservation, and education, with a mission to promote the conservation of nature, especially birds and their habitats. They conduct field surveys, publish scientific papers, organise workshops and training programs, and manage important conservation areas, including sanctuaries and wetlands.

5. Conservation Action Trust (CAT)

The Conservation Action Trust (CAT) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to environmental conservation and sustainable development in India. CAT works on various fronts, including wildlife conservation, forest protection, and combating climate change. They actively engage in advocacy, litigation, and public awareness campaigns to address pressing environmental issues and promote policies that safeguard India's wildlife and ecosystems.

6. Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF)

The Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF) is a research and conservation organisation that focuses on the conservation of India's wildlife and ecosystems. NCF conducts scientific research, promotes sustainable land-use practices, and collaborates with local communities to develop conservation models that benefit both people and nature. Their projects span across various landscapes, including forests, grasslands, and wetlands.

7. Wildlife SOS

Wildlife SOS is a non-profit organisation that primarily focuses on rescuing and rehabilitating wildlife, particularly elephants and bears. They operate several rescue centres across India, providing medical care, shelter, and a safe haven for animals rescued from circuses, zoos, and other exploitative conditions. Wildlife SOS also conducts awareness programs and works towards ending illegal wildlife trade and animal cruelty.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication only. 

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