5 New-Age Healthy Foods To Try In 2022


​Moringa Powder

​Moringa powder is said to be rich in antioxidants. It helps boost stamina, detoxifies, lowers cholesterol, and is said to reduce inflammation as well. A versatile ingredient, you can sprinkle moringa powder on salads or pastas, stir it in soups and sauces, or blend it in your morning smoothie.


​This three-ingredient food is packed with protein and dietary fibre while being low in carbs and saturated fat. Tempeh works well with almost any cuisine, including Indian fare, as it easily absorbs flavour. Use it in curries, stir fries, kebabs, and more.

​Hemp Seeds

​Hemp is full of fibre, vitamins, and amino acids, which makes it easier for the body to absorb protein. What’s more? It contains omega 3 and 6, which are good fats and when combined, offer anti-inflammatory properties.You can snack on it, sprinkle it over soups, salads, sabzis, or use hemp flour to make rotis.

​Jackfruit Meat

​Jackfruit, a plant-based meat alternative, helps boost gut health, is high in fibre, and low in calories. Tender jackfruit doesn’t really have a taste of its own, so you can pretty much add any flavour or spice to it, and use it in curries, rolls, pasta, appetisers, and so on.

​Coconut Sugar

​Another new-age ingredient that’s coming to the fore is coconut sugar. It is lower on the glycemic index, rich in potassium, and magnesium and other phytonutrients. It can easily replace regular sugar in similar quantities, whether for baking, tea, or coffee. It even caramelises just like jaggery or sugar.

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