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6 Essential Oils To Get Long & Lush Locks

These oils contain the nourishment and essence your hair has been craving.

Isha Gokhale

The science of getting long and luscious locks is complicated. However, one way to simplify this journey is by diligently applying hair oils that suit your hair and promote their growth. Luckily for us, nature provides a treasure trove of essential oils that not only enhance the health of your hair but also increase their density. The six oils for hair growth discussed in this blog are rich in nourishing properties and offer a natural and aromatic solution to achieving the vibrant and voluminous hair you desire.

1. Rosemary oil for hair growth

Picture a garden where rosemary flourishes, and you can almost smell the earthy fragrance. This aromatic herb not only adds flavour to your dishes but also serves as a natural tonic for your hair. When transformed into rosemary oil, it becomes a potent elixir for promoting hair growth. As you massage this fragrant oil into your scalp, it works its magic by improving blood circulation, awakening your hair follicles, and creating an environment conducive to robust hair growth. The added bonus? Its antimicrobial properties keep your scalp healthy, ensuring the perfect foundation for a lush mane.

2. Almond oil for hair growth

Imagine the smooth texture of almond oil as it glides through your hair, leaving behind a delicate scent and a trail of nourishment. Almond oil, rich in vitamins and minerals, goes beyond being a kitchen staple; it's a secret ingredient for gorgeous hair. As you incorporate almond oil into your hair care routine, you're essentially feeding your hair the nutrients it craves. This golden elixir strengthens your hair shaft, reduces breakage, and imparts a natural shine that reflects its newfound vitality. The gentle act of massaging almond oil not only pampers your strands but also stimulates blood circulation, laying the foundation for healthy hair growth.

3. Onion oil for hair growth

Now, the idea of onion oil might raise a few eyebrows, but don't let the initial surprise deter you. Picture onions in a new light, not just as kitchen essentials but as allies in your hair growth journey. Thanks to its sulphur content, onion oil becomes a superhero for your hair by boosting collagen production. This, in turn, nourishes your hair follicles, strengthens your strands, and addresses common concerns like dandruff. Embrace the unexpected and let onion oil be the natural remedy your hair has been craving.

4. Olive oil for hair growth

Close your eyes and envision a Mediterranean landscape where olive trees sway in the gentle breeze. Olive oil, a timeless beauty secret, transcends its culinary origins to become a cherished elixir for your hair. Rich in moisturising properties, it doesn't just coat your strands but penetrates the hair shaft, preventing damage and promoting a healthy scalp. Picture the antioxidants in olive oil as your hair's shield against free radicals, ensuring your mane remains resilient and vibrant. It's not just an oil; it's a luxurious treat for your hair that encapsulates the essence of holistic care.

5. Grapeseed oil for hair growth

Imagine a vineyard bathed in sunlight, where grapes ripen, promising the creation of a unique oil that does wonders for your hair. Grapeseed oil, light and easily absorbed, becomes your hair's best friend. Rich in linoleic acid, it becomes a champion for overall hair health. As you massage it into your hair, envision strands being cocooned in moisture, gaining strength, and finding relief from issues like hair loss and dandruff. It's not just oil; it's a whisper of nature that transforms your hair care routine into a delightful experience.

6. Coconut oil for hair growth

Transport yourself to a tropical paradise where coconut palms sway, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of coconuts. Coconut oil, a revered gem in the world of hair care, captures the essence of this tropical haven. Beyond its pleasant aroma, it boasts the ability to penetrate the hair shaft, preventing protein loss and promoting overall hair health. Envision your hair becoming a canvas for this nourishing oil, absorbing its richness, gaining moisture, and radiating a natural shine. It's more than an oil; it's a moment of indulgence for your hair, reminiscent of lazy days under the coconut trees.

Incorporating these oils into your hair care routine is simple. Create your own blend or choose a favourite to massage into your scalp, leave as a mask, or add a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner. As nature's elixirs, these essential oils for hair growth not only nurture your hair but also provide a sensorial and therapeutic experience, transforming your hair care routine into a ritual of self-care.

Photo: Shutterstock