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Let your favorite Recipe win

Dry fruits halwa By Samant Bansal

You can pounce upon it during Navratri

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Serves4 Servings

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Cooking Time30 minutes


  • 1 cup soaked overnight almonds
  • 1 cup soaked overnight cashews
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 strand saffron
  • 1 teaspoon ghee


  1. 1

    Soak The Nuts To prepare this delicious halwa recipe, soak one cup of almonds and one cup of cashews in water overnight. The next morning, remove the skin of almonds and grind them with cashews to a fine paste. You can add a little milk to it. Now roast the mixture in a heavy-bottomed pan till it acquires a golden hue.
  2. 2

    Prepare The Halwa Add one cup of sugar, one tsp ghee and a few saffron strands soaked in 1 tsp milk. Stir till the mixture thickens. Once it is done, remove the mixture from the flame and spread it on a plate. Cut into squares or diamonds. If you have guests coming over and you wish to impress them with your culinary skills, then go for this scrumptious dessert recipe.