
Amlana Recipe By Chef Ajay Chopra

Amlana Recipe

Ajay Chopra

Ajay Chopra

Amlana is a refreshing summer drink. Chef Ajay Chopra shares the recipe for this tangy drink from Rajasthan.

Preparation Time

Preparation Time

10-15 Min

Cooking Time

Cooking Time

5 Min

Meal Type

Meal Type





Ingredients For Amlana Recipe

  • For Amlana

    • 1 ½ cup soaked tamarind

    • 1 tsp coriander powder

    • 1 tsp black salt

    • 1 tsp cardamom powder

    • 1 tsp black pepper powder

    • 2 tbsp powdered sugar

    • 5-6 mint leaves

    • ice cubes

How to make Amlana Recipe?

  1. In a bowl, mash the soaked tamarind.
  2. Sieve the mashed pulp in another bowl.
  3. Add coriander powder, black salt, cardamom powder, black pepper powder, powdered sugar and mint leaves to it and mash again and add some water to it.
  4. Put some crushed ice cubes in a glass and pour Amlana over it.
  5. Garnish with mint leaves.

View Step by Step Recipe


In a bowl, mash the soaked tamarind.


Sieve the mashed pulp in another bowl.


Add coriander powder, black salt, cardamom powder, black pepper powder, powdered sugar and mint leaves to it and mash again and add some water to it.


Put some crushed ice cubes in a glass and pour Amlana over it.


Garnish with mint leaves.

Amlana is a refreshing summer drink. It is made from tamarind pulp to which spice powders like cardamom powder, black pepper powder and black salt are added. The addition of mint leaves further enhances the taste.

Tamarind is rich in vitamin B, C, potassium, magnesium and other antioxidants which makes it highly nutritious. This refreshing and digestive drink is served as an appetizer with scrumptious and massive Rajasthani thali.

This chilled and tangy Amlana is a delicious and refreshing drink.